The Etiquette of Masturbation

What is the etiquette of masturbation?

Because everything runs to rules, you know, even the bad old sin of Onan. So what are the rules in this case? About whom may we masturbate?

Someone we have only ever seen and never met?

Quite common, almost a norm--we feel we are offending no one, we superimpose a personality on a picture, in as far as our dreadful needs must when that particular devil drives, and that's that.

How about a casual acquaintance? Someone with whom we have never been intimate and with whom we never will? Someone our attentions would only ever shock?

Actually, that's much more rare. We imagine their, shall we say disgust, and find it inhibits us. We steer our thoughts another way.

On the other hand, we are highly likely to make imaginary use of someone with whom we intend to be intimate.

The closer the two of us get, the more acceptable our fantasies become, until they grow up into facts and instead of the dreams that kept us company, we have memories--to say nothing of a real live partner with whom we may have decided to be in love.

And here is where we reach my point, because this is all one huge demonstration of how the mind affects reality and reality affects the mind. I indulge in a spot of libidinous mental cartooning and what happens? A very demonstrable physical result. Not to mention a monumental slew of moral and emotional dilemmas, all of which may very well feed back to those realities I first drew upon to stimulate my mind, and around and around and around we go and where we'll stop, we do not know.

That around and around is what I mean by Cybernetics. Don't believe a soul who tells you different--particularly if they're engineers. This is Cybernetics--literally, it means nothing more than steering. The way I steer me, the way you steer you. From the inside. Our interior lives have seismic effects on our exterior world. We have to wake up and think about that if we want to be really alive.


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