Journal Entries


I'm going to go and see Top Of The Pops being filmed tonight.

If I see P!nk, I'll probably propose marriage. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2002

Things That Are Brilliant

- Clairol XL0 Bleach Blonding kits.

- The Goth club Slimelight on a Saturday night.

- Having my laptop back and operational.

- Becoming a Contributing Editor at

- Grim Fandango, the LucasArts game.

- Yahoo! online Fantasy Football.

- Beer.

- Lovely Young Ladies.

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2002

Music that Rocks

I am currently listening to (and much enjoying):

- Queens Of The Stone Age, Songs For The Deaf. Smashing stuff.

- Queen Adreena, Drink Me. Like a doom metal band fronted by Julee Cruise.

- Tenacious D, Tenacious D. Rock!

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2002

Yet more bloomin' comics stuff

Next weekend, I'm going to be involved with a really exciting comics project.

It's called "24 Hours @ Ninth Art", and basically it means I'm going to spend 24 hours, from 12 midday on the 24th August until 12 midday on the 25th, writing, pencilling, inking and lettering my own 24-page comic, which will then be posted up online for the world to see.

Anyone who's interested can follow the progress of myself and the other participants live over the weekend at .

A little bit of history/context: This challenge originates from the noted comics creator and writer of "Understanding Comics", Scott McCloud, who issued an open challenge to the world to produce 24-hour comics and send him the results. A number of noted professionals, inculding the likes of Neil "Sandman" Gaiman and Erik "Savage Dragon" Larsen have done their own 24-hour comics in the past, so I'm following in some fairly impressive footsteps.

I hope everything goes smoothly, and that people check in over the weekend, if only to see whether I've gone insane or have expired from the sheer though of all that hard work. smiley - winkeye



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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2002

24 today

No, not Jack Bauer - today I officially move out of the 'early 20s' age bracket for the more sedate 'mid-20s' section.

Nearly made the quarter-ton. Hey-ho.

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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2002

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