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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2000


Why is it that movie sequels (a few highly notable exeptions aside - and I think we all have our own favourite amazing sequels) generally inferior to the original, and yet the sequels to video games are generally superior and show much more inventiveness than the original? Hang on, that's a silly question with a simple answer, so excuse me while I save face and turn a silly question into a bold and thought-provoking statement.

Here goes... Movie sequels are typically inferior to the original, unlike video games sequels, because movie success is often determined by the strength of the respective movie's concept's originality, whereas in the nascent field of video games, success (and especially that insubstantial 'wow factor') are determined by the skill of the programmers and the extent to which they can push the boundaries of the hardware. These two factors are continually increasing, unlike the turgid and thoroughly money-obsessed movie business, which is content to milk a tried and trusted formula for as long as people will buy it. Video games manufacturers, however, have to go to somewhat greater lengths to entice the punters into buying their products, and so the medium never stands still.
For example, look at the 'Final Fantasy' series, which seems never-ending, and into which the producers have continually put more and more and as such, the later instalments are technically and narratively increasingly proficient and interesting.

Excuse me. I am lapsing into the dreaded 'waffle-speak' or 'rant' that is the scourge of all pretentious students (and even worse, graduates) everywhere. In order to prevent this, I will sign off here. Later...

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Latest reply: Aug 7, 2000


Why is it that movie sequels (a few highly notable exeptions aside - and I think we all have our own favourite amazing sequels) generally inferior to the original, and yet the sequels to video games are generally superior and show much more inventiveness than the original? Hang on, that's a silly question with a simple answer, so excuse me while I save face and turn a silly question into a bold and thought-provoking statement.

Here goes... Movie sequels are typically inferior to the original, unlike video games sequels, because movie success is often determined by the strength of the respective movie's concept's originality, whereas in the nascent field of video games, success (and especially that insubstantial 'wow factor') are determined by the skill of the programmers and the extent to which they can push the boundaries of the hardware.

Excuse me. I am lapsing into the dreaded 'waffle-speak' that is the scourge of all pretentious students (and even worse, graduates) everywhere. In order to prevent this, I will sign off here. Later...

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: Aug 7, 2000

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