Journal Entries

Sickened, sad, and very scared

Sickened by the bombs in Istanbul, sad about the dead and injured, sicked once more by the response of Bush and Blair to the bombs, and very scared about the future.

I can't believe what I've heard coming out of the mouths of those two today. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that if it weren't for the invasion of Iraq, the two bombs today and the two bombs last week in Istanbul would not have been detonated. I'm disgusted to hear both Bush and Blair state that they will not budge on their principles and their fight, and that they will fight back every bit as strongly as we know that the terrorist organisations will.

Of course when you say that you will fight back, what you mean is the grunts who joined the army/navy/air force, most of whom never figured that they'd see active service.

The bombs in Turkey are a direct result of the aggression shown in the invasion of Iraq. Of that there can be no doubt at all.

Tony Blair says "Our response is not to flinch or give way or concede one inch. We stand absolutely firm until this job is done." I'm sure that he can't possibly be unaware of the fact that the people who set off these bombs feel exactly the same. The more that the alliance fights, the more the extremists will do just the same. One would have thought that having lived through 30 years of IRA terrorism in Northern Ireland and on the mainland, Tony Blair would understand that many, many people are going to die in the coming years as a direct result of sending troops into Iraq. Ken Livingstone was vilified in the 80s for suggesting that the British government should talk to the IRA and try to reason with them. 10 years later that was precisely what brought the Northern Ireland troubles to some sort of an end.

Innocent people are going to die, not just in the Middle East, but in the UK, in the US, in Turkey, and in many other countries around the world. That's why I'm very scared. This is going to be a global campaign. The first truly global war, the first global terrorist war. Not a war confined to the military, not a war confined to one place. Anyone reading this is a potential target, some more than others. If you live in certain countries, if you live in certain cities, you now stand a pretty good chance of being killed or injured.

I'd say that if you live in the UK, and particularly if you're in London you might have a better chance than most others of survival - the police and other authorities there have had plenty of practice preventing attacks by terrorists. If you're in the US you should be a little more affraid. I'm in Bush's former home town - I'm very worried.

In the words of Jack Straw today, "Who knows where next?"

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2003


Mrs Gosho and I have always thought that Tom Waits is the most pivotal person in our lives since we met because of a Tom Waits show.

Well, it seems that Elvis Presley is right up there too since we can both get to each other in six or less degrees of separation, and in both instances either Elvis or Priscilla is the kingpin smiley - wow Here's how it goes:

Me >> a woman I made some furniture for >> Patrick Duffey (Bobby Ewing) >> Priscilla Presley (also in 'Dallas') >> Mrs Gosho's mum (she was at school with Priscilla) >> Mrs Gosho

Mrs Gosho >> D.J. Fontana (Elvis's drummer) >> Elvis >> The Beatles >> The Queen Mother >> my (deceased) friend Cyril >> me

smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2003

Who writes your script?

Heard on a Fox news report about a tornado in Houston yesterday.

*THE SCENE* A church which has all but been demolished by high winds and fallen trees.

"The sign for the St. James Episcopal church here in south west Houston - all that's left standing of the church, and perhaps an indication of the strength of the people who worship here."


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Latest reply: Nov 18, 2003

Good news everybody

Many years ago I had an uncle who suffered from a blood disorder. His doctor prescribed three pints of Guinness a day for it, and when I say prescribed I mean prescribed. On the NHS. For free (of course, those were the days when you didn't have to pay for prescriptions).

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2003

Thought for the day

Since I don't have a thought every day, this will also be an occasional series.

Anyhoo, here's today's;

Films weren't made to be interrupted by commercials, so don't watch one on commercial TV.

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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2003

Back to There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho's Personal Space Home

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

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