This is the Message Centre for There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ronald Reagan

Post 61

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Unless you're Michael Moore. smiley - winkeye

Ronald Reagan

Post 62

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Am I Michael Moore? smiley - blush I wasn't the last time I looked in the mirror. Do you think I've changed into him since then? smiley - wow

Ronald Reagan

Post 63

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hmmm... not really in a position to say. Could be. I try to keep an open mind about that sort of thing, people being Michael Moore, and so on.

JTG smiley - blush

Ronald Reagan

Post 64


When I think of the south american death squads, the rejection of Gorbachev's offer to multilaterally disarm all nuclear weapons, and when I think of him arming and supporting that maggot Hussein I find it hard to reconcile with the image they're pumping out of some avuncular statesman who made the world safe.

I was more than happy to speak ill of him when he was alive, and I certainly won't stop now.

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