Intros as you do

Well hello there, I am Kizz. Also know as Livin dead doll, Razorblade petal and various other names. Feel free to nickname me accordingly (but not nothing mean!)

I guess I should talk a little bit about me, well i am very random and really passionate about music. I dont know many people who arent.

My fave bands : My chemical romance, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, The used, Bullet for my valentine, Avenged sevenfold, HIM, AC/DC, Black sabbath, Nighwish, Korn, Murderdolls, Blink 182, Killswitch engage, Iron maiden, apocalpytica, gwar, gorogoth, satyricon. Ok there is too many to name but ya get the idea.

"you dirty goth" ok thats what i get called, and i am quite proud that a strike fear into the hearts of idiotic chavs who think they are the bee's knees. Ooooh i rule.

I'm not anti-social but i dont do too much socialising, or my brain would be turned to mush. But I do have my fair share of drinking holes and social activities.

Ok i am going to leave it there and let you draw your own conclusions

Keep cool, stay ghoul x x x x x x x

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