Hello and boredom

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Well, I know i have been here before under different names. But being the forgetful me I seem to have lost my old usernames and passwords, i guess thats what happens when i change them all the time. So here is a brief, well i hope it will be brief to the world known as Kizzdom. Ok that isnt a real place or anything but i am trying my hardest to make it so.

So as you have probably gathered i am Kizz, or Livin dead doll (LDD) and this seems to be my guide entry. (10 points for stating the obvious). I am weird, and very tired at the mo.

Interests? Do i have any? Well now you come to mention it YES!!!! My passion is music, like alot of people. I try to be diverse but end up staying true to my metal, alternative, punk, goth bands. Weird you say? Well who isnt, the world isnt stable enough for anyone to be considered normal.

Ok now as i read this i realise how unstable i actually am, but hey i'll deal i suppose.

See ya all later

Keep cool, stay ghoul x x x x x x x x

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