This is the Message Centre for Ford's Evil Quarter Brother

Good idea

Post 1

Sheepish Lord Of Chaos

They always say the best pages are those that are content free smiley - winkeye I haven't got much on my page either

Good idea

Post 2

Ford's Evil Quarter Brother

It's only a matter of time, of course, until I do fill it up. But I will try to fill it with something profound. I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Good idea

Post 3


I will weigh in and say it's not necessarily a good idea to leave your page void of substance. Share your thoughts and knowledge with the rest of us. That's what the page is for. If you have any questions about maneuvering around H2G2, writing guide entries, etc, just ask. I'll see if I can answer. Here are a few pages you might find useful. (a quick reference guide) (a newcomers welcome). Aroma Cafe Forum The Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to H2G2 Clubs The Researcher page for DNA himself -- Yes, he does participate in the forums on occasion, and has written a few interesting guide entries. Gavroche ><>

Good idea

Post 4

Ford's Evil Quarter Brother

Thank you for the advice. I will be making up a page soon, but I am currently working on my procrastination skills. I'll have them perfected someday soon.

Actually, I am still trying to decide what I want to say to the world and how I am going to say it. This is no small task set before me.

But I will look around to those other pages. Maybe something will pop into my head.

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