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at nine o'clock last night i found out that today was an inset day at the boys school. an inset day? they have 5 weeks during the summer, two at half term, two at easter, a week at spring break.... but yet they have to have inset days during term time. heaven forbid that they do it in THIER time.
what it DOES mean though, is a day spent with the boy. on my own. the enemy has gone to london for some meeting or other, and set off at 6am. the usual farce of me telling her that her alarm was going off, again, meant i was awake as well. but i got to go back to sleep. the boy was told last night he didn't have to get up early, and he didn't let me down! twenty past ten. it helped that he stayed up last night and we watched Carry On At Your Convenience. his very first carry on film! and he loved it!
today, however, is resereved for PYJAMA STAR WARS DAY! only the first (last) three mind. i'm not fond of the last (first) three.
then perhaps later i will dig out the old VHS player and we'll watch the h2g2 tv series!

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Latest reply: Oct 15, 2010


so the long sought out lay in finally happened this morning. half past ten! wonderful it was. but saying that, it was gone half two when i wne to bed. i managed to catch the last of the miners being brought up to the surface. as amazing an effort, and such a worldwide relief that all 33 were safe, i couldn't help think that the chilean premier milked it for all it was worth. human nature i reckon it is called. try and make good out of a bad situation.
today has been another day of mooching and oding not a lot. looks like i will have to cram it all into tomorrow.
looks like my return to work will be an interesting one on monday night too. as a union rep, i will be embroiled in the fun and games that have been going on in my absence. yes, i get to know it all even when i am away! i shall look forward to it.

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Latest reply: Oct 14, 2010

13/10/10 pt3

the electric is back on. spent the day layed on the bed reading. shuch joy, not done that for a long time.
then fell asleep at around half four. the enemy has just come in and woke me up. now i am sat watching masterchef the professionals, wondering how someone can undercook and oversalt veg if they claim to be professionals.
how gregg wallace survives in a room filled with knives is beyond me. he'd be picking one out of his fat balding head if he spoke to me like he speaks to some of the chefs.
bring on the apprentice.

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2010

13/10/10 pt2

our electric has gone off. we're on a meter and have been since we bought the holuse 14 years ago. i suppose we should get it removed now. it was only fitted because the supplier hadn't billed us for about 12 months then turned round and asked for £400 within 24 hours. yeah, cos i have that much disposable cash. (never have, never will)
so, here i am in the house, re-reading Phill Jupitus' Good Morning Nantwitch. the story of his time as a breakfast dj. very good it is too.
i know what you're thinking... "go get some credit". well, i would, were it not for the enemy borrowing my bank card last night and her not returning it. she is in hull. i'm not.
the brucey bonus is she is feeling so guilty she has said she will call and get an indian* takeaway on her way home. bless her.
so until then it's back to the book, keeping my fingers crossed that the battery on my phone holds up. aint technology great? here i am writing this entry on my HTC Touch Pro 2, whilst also listening to the huge cache of music on it.

*in fact most are Bangladeshi.

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2010


well that was a pile of fetid dingo's kidneys!
if someone hasn't played for their club for 3 weeks, then how can they play for their country? beyond me. but thats enough of that.
a week off. thats what i am in the middle of. and i haven't had one lie in yet! the enemy's alarm goes off at 6:30 every morning, and then she presses snooze until at least 7:15. no chance of sleeping through that. then i have to get up and get the boy ready for school. yes, thats my job as a parent, i am well aware of that, and i do it most mornings after getting in from work. but occasionally he'll stop with either mine or the enemy's parental unit, which IF he had i would get a lay in. but oh no, not this week! oh well.

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2010

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