This is the Message Centre for HVS

May I join?

Post 1

Otis of the foggy feet

I consider myself a vegetarian but eat fish because they're happy. Really, it does make sense. So may I join?

May I join?

Post 2


You certainly can! All types of vegetarians are welcome. I've added you to the members list.smiley - smiley


May I join?

Post 3

Otis of the foggy feet


May I join?

Post 4


Yes i would like to join also! I am a Veggie and I don't eat fish because they are happy ! smiley - smiley

May I join?

Post 5


Welcome to HVS roadtripchick... you're added to the members list.smiley - smiley


May I join?

Post 6


Groovy ! Is there a way to get a link on my personal space ? It would be really cool !
Thanx alot ! smiley - smiley

May I join?

Post 7


A link to HVS? There certainly is.smiley - smiley I see you're already using GuideML, so just copy and paste the following:

The H2G2 Vegetarian Society

We don't currently have an HVS logo (due to off-site graphic rules), but if you prefer to use a smiley - corncob as a link, you could copy and paste this:

<SMILEY TYPE="corncob"/>

and then just put something to the effect of 'To visit The H2G2 Vegetarian Society, just click on the corn cob', or whatever takes your fancy!smiley - smiley


May I join?

Post 8


Groovy thanks i will get on it !

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