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Party Time

Post 101


smiley - erm

Party Time

Post 102

Sho - employed again!

Oh and another thing *waves cider glass around and slops a bit on her shirt*...

When I was pregnant with the gruesomes I got such a hard time for being veggie... they would be too small, underdeveloped, etc etc.

HA! Biggest babies in the flaming shop each time! (ouch)

Here... gimme more of that cider, I need to drown out those memories...

Party Time

Post 103


Yeh the sex drive bit works best on men....
I think we just started eating meat on the plains of Africa for a bit of variety, or saw a dead Wildebeest as an early Indian takeaway.
I can't understand why they say eating meat is more efficient( after all carrots can't run), except I know, and have pondered longtime on the fact that virtually all of Africa'a staple foods only came in the last 2000 years.
Is it more dificult for a vegetarian to get a six pack stomach?
I know mine can expand to belt bursting proportions but tends to naturally go out further than I'd like( no I don't suck it in)
In my studies of paleo..( blast forgotten how to spell it)I also know our vegetarian ape ancestors had spread ribs to allow for bigger guts, but they ate poor quality vegetarian food ( they couldn't get to Holland & Barrettts')

Party Time

Post 104

Sho - employed again!

Does that mean my ribs will spread too? I can't get to H&B either.... smiley - sadface

I have to put my hand up here. I love a nice thick blue steak. Filet. I just never eat them. But back in my meat-eating days... slurp!

People say "oh you must be so self-disciplined to eat meat!" I think "b*****s" what's self disciplined about not eating that stuff? We all know what it is and where it comes from. I often reply that I think their self-discipline in being able to force the stuff down astounds me. That's probably why I don't get so many party invitations these days.

Party Time

Post 105

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Six pack, humm, mine doen't come to much. Easier to pop down the coop and buy one.

Cirtainly not self disiplined to be veggie, have you seen the blood that seeps from some of the meat they eat? Yikes

Heres a question: what meat cooking smell do you find the worst?

Party Time

Post 106

Sho - employed again!

Liver. Yuk.

Party Time

Post 107

Sho - employed again!

Liver. Yuk.

Party Time

Post 108


Kidneys. I'm not into urine ( or am I taking the ....?)
Confucus he say Six packs from Coop mean you never achieve six pack!
What is a blue steak?
I've heard of, and eaten, chicken fried steak, but not blue.

Party Time

Post 109

Sho - employed again!

Blue steak is when the pan is really really hot and the steak is just sealed then served. It should be warm, but raw in the middle.

Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's just a description.

And that's how I ate them. Sorry cows.

Party Time

Post 110


Good job you gave them up, or you'd probably
have salmonella/botulism/e coli by now.
Cows subscribing to the guide should be really appreciative. Say guys any of you got two heads or been cloned?

Party Time

Post 111


On the subject of what cooking smell do you find most offputting, it'd have to be meaty cooking fats that have been on the go (like on a hotplate) for hours. Some pubs seem to do that. I never realised before becoming vegetarian that chicken has a decidedly unpleasant smell too. Thankfully it's not that strong. Walking across an early morning caravan site (I went on holidays with my family until I was in my late teens) with the smell of bacon drifting from the other caravans could be tough. Normally I find it as unappealing as other meat smells, but when you're *really* hungry, like at that time of the morning, it seems like a good idea, especially compared to weedy cereal. I'd probably retch if I ate it - I'm no longer a fan of any kind of greasy food.

Party Time

Post 112


The smell of fresh coffee or fresh bread takes my mind off it pretty quickly. I'm a big fan of French cuisine smiley - smiley

Party Time

Post 113

Yeliab {h2g2as}

For me it's frying sausages. The smell is of pure fat and just being in the kitchen makes you smell of it, uhg! Ahh, but the sweet coffee bean aroma. Ahh...

Party Time

Post 114


Even at this stage (of many years of being a vegetarian and now a vegan) the smell of bacon frying still attracts me.
The smell of coffee has me running for my migraine tablets. Even the smell of coffee is enough to start an attack.

Party Time

Post 115


Who's drinking coffee online?

Party Time

Post 116

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Oh, sorry that would be me then smiley - silly. Umm smiley - coffee. Hands

Party Time

Post 117

Sho - employed again!

*looks guiltily at feet*

Sorry, me too...

Party Time

Post 118


Abhor the caffeine you addicts, for you are doomed to spill it on your keyboard, which likes it even less than I!
Thanks for the offer of the paracetamol, but unforunately that would be as effective as the Civil Defence leaflet on what to do in the event of a nuclear attack.
I need the heavy stuff, derived from argot, that comes with dire warnings, "Take more than 2 of these in an attack and your toes will fall off".

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