Journal Entries

I can't feel my lips

...but I feel better. I ran a red light this morning and a car hit me but it was my fault. Now I have to pay for their car repair and mine, but no one was hurt and the owner of the other car could not have been cooler. Could have been one hundred time worse. Still, I was not in a good place so Kat and Jason took me out to the place in SP that sells "Spa margaritatas" and now I can't feel my lips.

...but I feel better.

I love them. They are good frieinds.

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Latest reply: Jan 9, 2007

November 08, 2004

Something you've been wishing for is about to fall right into your lap, and you won't have to do a darned thing for it to happen -- except maybe make room. Let go of something that's no longer functional...

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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2004

Dreampt T7 wasn't mad anymore

Not only that, but he was at some kind of gathering or party with me. Maybe not "with me" but "we were both there at the same time" and he was laughing and being charming and happy. I stared at him and we talked like we used to instant message. I was looking for him to frown in my direction or when I spoke, but he didn't do anything like that. He was just like he used to be. The way he was before "I hope to see you... and everyone else here! in ten months."

Or rather, better than that. It was like that without the "...and everyone else."

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2004


not clones. I've mislabled them. Promised Mom I'd house/dog sit while they are in Texas FOR A WEEK. I've been here less than an hour and I'm tired. I also have to get a cat sitter for Manny. Probably Bird or Maureen. Back up would be Allison and Gretchin. Just remembered Babbett. She's actually the most logical one. Ah. Also just remembered I replaced all the printers at Mid Wilshire today. That might go a ways toward explaining the tiredness. Okay. That makes me feel better. You see spirts out of the corner of your eye, I've heard. May have just seen my first. There is a small brown dog at my knee demanding attention. I'm off.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2004

Up @ 5, home @ 7

and I cannot for the life of me think of one thing I did this week to justify my paycheck. Billy's parashoot party may be this weekend up in Napa to dovetail with Tobias' 2nd feed Cambodia party. Tobias, Orion, Peter, and Stephanie all have places up there, so there'll be all the comforts of homes. Apparently, Orion and Steph come from money and I wouldn't be surprised to hear Tobias did too. I'd bet Peter lives behind a dumpster somewhere. [Don't tell him I said that though, because he's arranging the carpools.] Payday tomorrow and I have to buy a dvd recorder so that I can record the pet psychic, psychic detectives, celebritey poker showdown, debbie travis's painted home, queer eye for the straight guy, and my new favorite show: man hunt. Just fell asleep at the keyboard and that's my cue to turn off the computer.

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Latest reply: Oct 14, 2004

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Maria d J Gutierrez

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