This is a Journal entry by Maria d J Gutierrez


Post 1

Maria d J Gutierrez

not clones. I've mislabled them. Promised Mom I'd house/dog sit while they are in Texas FOR A WEEK. I've been here less than an hour and I'm tired. I also have to get a cat sitter for Manny. Probably Bird or Maureen. Back up would be Allison and Gretchin. Just remembered Babbett. She's actually the most logical one. Ah. Also just remembered I replaced all the printers at Mid Wilshire today. That might go a ways toward explaining the tiredness. Okay. That makes me feel better. You see spirts out of the corner of your eye, I've heard. May have just seen my first. There is a small brown dog at my knee demanding attention. I'm off.


Post 2

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

I ran in to a gent in a convenience store one night And I swear he could have been my twin he realize this as well. we looked Identical to one another. He was a tad bit shorter than I and wore glasses other than that it was like looking in to a mirror. Same hair colour and all. I've had people mistake me for someone they knew all across this nation the places I've been anyway even in California. one more thing I had a real twin and we look nothing alike.

Well actually I've seen spirit's in my whole view it strange to say the least. I would suppose that I'd be scared, but I'm to stupid for that.smiley - smiley

As always I'm glad to here from you.

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