This is a Journal entry by Maria d J Gutierrez

Up @ 5, home @ 7

Post 1

Maria d J Gutierrez

and I cannot for the life of me think of one thing I did this week to justify my paycheck. Billy's parashoot party may be this weekend up in Napa to dovetail with Tobias' 2nd feed Cambodia party. Tobias, Orion, Peter, and Stephanie all have places up there, so there'll be all the comforts of homes. Apparently, Orion and Steph come from money and I wouldn't be surprised to hear Tobias did too. I'd bet Peter lives behind a dumpster somewhere. [Don't tell him I said that though, because he's arranging the carpools.] Payday tomorrow and I have to buy a dvd recorder so that I can record the pet psychic, psychic detectives, celebritey poker showdown, debbie travis's painted home, queer eye for the straight guy, and my new favorite show: man hunt. Just fell asleep at the keyboard and that's my cue to turn off the computer.

Up @ 5, home @ 7

Post 2

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well It sounds like you need a dvd recorder. Must be nice to have two parties to go to. What's a parashoot party. Does it involve a plane.smiley - smileyWell have nice dreams.

Up @ 5, home @ 7

Post 3

Maria d J Gutierrez

Billy wanted to parachute for his 30th birthday and asked if anyone else in the group was interested. About 20 of us were. Didn't get the dvdr yet.

Up @ 5, home @ 7

Post 4

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Good Luck with the dvdr. When I was a kid we had a parachute and played with it on a real windy day that was fun. My brother in law gave it to us he was in the 82nd Airborne.
Hope that all is well with you.

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