This is the Message Centre for Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes
The Troll
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Started conversation Sep 17, 2009
Julzes, hey there. I can tell (from the numbers and from the chess) you're a math type. Me, not so much.
But I was just casually dropping by to suggest that you not feed the troll (aka perplexingapollonia). Hypatia, et al, including myself, are just ignoring her (or him...let's not assume that the name goes with the sex). Which always sends trolls into apopoleptic fits, but I'm good with that. She/He will eventually go over the edge, and then their posts are yikes'able.
Now,I'm certainly not one to tell you what to do, by any stretch, and if you want to keep taunting her, by all means, do so. I rather enjoy a good taunting.
The Troll
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Sep 17, 2009
No, no. No problem. She has offended me to the point that I indicated. I'm quite done with her.
The Troll
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 17, 2009
I was only half joking when I said I was 'duly offended'. Let's see...anyone who goes to college is a head-in-the-clouds, rich, snobbish, elitist intellectuals, and you, by virtue of being a man who doesn't agree with her, is some macho thug, and I'm apparently the most awful person on the face of the earth because I have a PhD (well, almost).
Gosh, I'll run right out and get a lobotomy so I can stop being so darned horrible.
The Troll
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Sep 19, 2009
I don't want to seem to equivocate, but sometimes I find perplexingAppolonia more than tolerable. I've told her where I will communicate with her and where not. You don't have to worry about 'Rights of the Few'.
The Troll
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 19, 2009
I can understand that. I don't have an issue with her (him?) per se, just the whole 'more moral than thou'. Apparently, no one is as smart, as resourceful, as connected, as what-have-you as perplexingApollonia. I find that kid of attitude a bit ...much.
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The Troll
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