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which reminds me

i Know
i spelt subtlely wrong. (if it's even spelt like how i just spelt it).
for goodness sakes, do forgive the occasional typo.
smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

this is an Appeal. or a Plea. or an Advertisement. or a Request. salt it, just read.

I have a clever friend. This clever friend has a clever site. This clever site is called [nyx]. Yes, the link is above, part of the introduction. I am now saying, go to [nyx]. because it is a site with Potential. and i'm the (shameless?) Advertiser. (publicity person!)
here is the url.
and, O Reader, do
Submit. (submit writings, i mean. not your soul or anything like that. )
the site Needs it.
(apologies for the odd capitals, i'm in a Weird Mood. )
in case you didn't get it.
I'm lousy at subtlely persuading your subconscious mind, like clever advertisements on tv and magazines and etc. do.
Hence...the above. :P

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

this is an Appeal. or a Plea. or an Advertisement. or a Request. salt it, just read.

I have a clever friend. This clever friend has a clever site. This clever site is called [nyx]. Yes, the link is above, part of the introduction. I am now saying, go to [nyx]. because it is a site with Potential. and i'm the (shameless?) Advertiser. (publicity person!)
here is the url.
and, O Reader, do
Submit. (submit writings, i mean. not your soul or anything like that. )
the site Needs it.
(apologies for the odd capitals, i'm in a Weird Mood. )
in case you didn't get it.
I'm lousy at subtely persuading your subconscious mind, like clever advertisements on tv and magazines and etc. do.
Hence...the above. :P

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

short. this one. short.

i just realised. i get motivated to do something only when
1) i know that i have the capability and mental-physical capacity to do vhatever it is
2) i see other people doing it lousier than me, and thinking that they're wonderful for doing that even though they're not.
3) i see other people doing it much better me, and know that i have the ability to do it better.

so i wonder what this is supposed to tell me....that i should hang out with either better or lousier people? for fear of getting lulled into a state of complacency?

{hello. you haven't seen us for some time. did you miss us? if you didn't, we suppose we're not wanted. pity, that. why, you actually like dia talking on an' on about funny-weird things? she just a few notches above us on your scale of preference, but still almost as intolerable? hey. be glad we're here. we might go away today or tomorrow or in the next second. so you must be glad, understand? or maybe you still don't. tsk. learn to trust us. you should. }

i wonder, did they just speak to you again? what did they say? not anything silly, i hope?

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2000

is stabbing and stubbing your finger on a doorknob....a spiritual thing to do?

darlings (forgive me if i keep on addressing you, most probably a stranger to me, using words that one would normally use to address people whom one knows with a certain degree of intimacy. it's a (bad) habit, dar-Ling. oops!...ah...did iyt a-gaen! (that's how bad miss spears warps her words. )), i'm so pretentious and hypocritical, aren't i?
keep on pretendin' to be smart'r than lil' ol' me really is, don't i?
weel, ah'm real sorry 'bout that, but, y'know, i just can't, like, you it? i know it's like, really bad and all, and really, i'm like, so totally against it...but i can't, like, stop myself? yeah i know....i shouldn't be doing this kinda stuff.
(i'm drifting in and out of accents. forgive me, forgive me...)

and now, what i wanted to say yesterday (but was too lazy to type. as a result, what is here is only a shadow of what i thought yesterday. procrastination. yes, it's a terrible thing. )

i would be a greater person if i didn't
a) lack discipline (i procrastinate, too)
b) lack commonsense
c) lack a good memory.

many a time's i've stumbled upon a great revelation (philosophical ones, or semi-philosophical ones).
many a time's i've uncovered wonderful, nyum-nyum-cookie-n-cream-ice-cream-delicious, realisations.
many a time's i've been, to put it plainly, too lazy to record them, thinking that i have a good enough memory to be able to store them in the deep, chaotic recesses of my mind and still be able to draw them out with ease.
many a time's i discover that i've been sorely mistaken about the above sentence.
many a time's i realise i should record things, resolve to do so, and promptly fail to do so the next time i am visited by miss enlightenment. (she's female, didn't you know?)
and many a time's i kick myself (obviously not physically) for it all but keep on doing it.

i don't have the commonsense to link commonsense things together, though i know i have the ability to link other things that are less commonsensical (new word there. don't sue me, i like twisting words. at least i'm strong enough to twist them, unlike some people.)
and unlike einstein, i do not have any acceptable excuse for that. (his excuse was that a section of his brain was missing. however, that section missing enabled another section of his brain to grow larger and take over that empty space. go read up the rest, i can't possibly spout the whole einstein's-brain-thing here, can i?)

by the way. i'm not as clever as you (you!...not! geez, sorry, but sometimes you just don't get who you is, do you?) think i am. because i keep on hearing vague things about wonderful things (certain books, poems, cds, music, blahblahblah) from my friends/acquaintances/non-acquaintances but never get down to digging them up.
which is why i've only just started reading sophie's world (yes, this little kid hasn't ever read more than the first two chapters of it until this week. pitiful, her. yeah yeah....don't i know it. ) recently, and why i've only just started listening to tori amos. even though i'd heard of both's amazing-ness (funkiness? but that's not my word, 'tis my friend's.)....eons ago....
(and yes, i find them both most delectable. the only complaint i have about sophie's world at the moment is that mr. gaardner doesn't touch on eastern philosophy, or any other kind except for western philosophy.)

two years ago, i wanted to get (roughly) where i am now. i forgot about the above three abcs (as well as random little things like the two examples in the above paragraph), which is why i'm not exactly there, but still sort of there.
i'm outta the deep-dark-lake, but i'm covered in lake-muck. not enjoyable. but not that much.

i have made up my mind not to wonder whether anyone else comes here (my h2g2 place) besides yours truly. because if i'd really wanted the whole tasty world coming here, i'd advertise and promote this place shamelessly.
thankfully, i'm not doing that.
if you're here, you're here. if you're not, you're not. i figure it won't affect your life very least, not as much as Some Other Things.
i've been neglecting to update my drowned-in-blue-homepage. because of this h2g2 place.
but writing entries here is a lot more convenient.
ah well.
i love my small blue place too much to desert her entirely. she's more than a year old in essence.
and no, you probably don't know her. i don't promote her in any direct way either.

hypocritical, me.
i know.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2000

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