This is a Journal entry by diathione

short. this one. short.

Post 1


i just realised. i get motivated to do something only when
1) i know that i have the capability and mental-physical capacity to do vhatever it is
2) i see other people doing it lousier than me, and thinking that they're wonderful for doing that even though they're not.
3) i see other people doing it much better me, and know that i have the ability to do it better.

so i wonder what this is supposed to tell me....that i should hang out with either better or lousier people? for fear of getting lulled into a state of complacency?

{hello. you haven't seen us for some time. did you miss us? if you didn't, we suppose we're not wanted. pity, that. why, you actually like dia talking on an' on about funny-weird things? she just a few notches above us on your scale of preference, but still almost as intolerable? hey. be glad we're here. we might go away today or tomorrow or in the next second. so you must be glad, understand? or maybe you still don't. tsk. learn to trust us. you should. }

i wonder, did they just speak to you again? what did they say? not anything silly, i hope?

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short. this one. short.

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