Journal Entries

oh blah.

haven't updated since june.
ooh, dead dead place, this.
true blue, true blue, change your face

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2000

screw my hot eyes not enough sleep

it was one of those things that make you read it, drained, and whisper 'oh no, oh no, oh no. '
it was one of those things thst jerk you to a sudden realisation of the true [why] and [how come] of the whole situation. one of those things that touch you so cruelly it's too soft and shattering to be true even though it is.
the world is terribly dizzying.
last night i was a bitter, self-blaming person.
today's the hangover. 3 hours of sleep, what do you expect?
one thing's for sure - she shouldn't take anymore help.

my brain is incapable of sizing up the qing2 kuang4 (mygod i'm lapsing into chinese now you know how sleepy i am), my fingers have to constantly press the delete key even as i type - they keep on missing the keys.

when i sleep and wake up properly, i'll give myself a better plan.

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000

it gets beneath your skin

i. like. The. Piano. (the movie, i mean. )
sure, it came out about...7 years ago.
and though i'd watched it last year, i've only just started really liking it.
the music. is...incredibly sensitive.
the subject of this entry describes it aptly enough, too.
one of those things you like so much you hope no one else does.

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2000

i do declare, i'm showing symptoms of the xin hui syndrome

i do declare, i'm showing symptoms of the xin hui syndrome.

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Latest reply: Jul 10, 2000

and yesssss....i know i know....

i know i've just mussed up the journal with two identical entries!
so you can stop muttering now. or whatever you were going to do.
ah well, i suppose it wouldn't hurt me if you laughed ha-ha.
laugh ha-ha.
then again, i can't really tell you what to do, can i?

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

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