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temorary lapse..redux

nothing earth shattering. Just a note to say still not using tobacco products. dammit.

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Latest reply: Jan 29, 2003

temorary lapse..redux

noting earth shattering. Just a note to say still not using tobacco products. dammit.

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Latest reply: Jan 29, 2003


Three weeks, and no bodies with purple faces and swollen protruding tongues.

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2001

My latest temporary lapse of contact with reality.

I seem to have taken leave of what little bit of sense I still had this last week.

In a moment of weakness, I decided to attempt (once again) to quit the burning of tobacco rolled into little paper tubes and packed twenty to a package. I had what I considered, at the time, valid points for this flight of fancy.

1. My next birthday is bringing an 'O' with it.

2. The cost has gone from $.20 to about $4.

3. It now takes longer to quit coughing in the morning upon my awakening.

4. As difficult as this may be to believe; Dorothyland's PTB kicked a considerable (by my standards-sofa change to them) chunk of the tobacco settlement money to a local organization dedicated to the relief of chemical addictions for our so afflicted denizens. The monies are to be spent establishing programs for (of all things) quitting smoking and keeping the next gen from getting started. To this end, the local wizard (program coordinator) approached the local radio stations (o.k., four of them anyway) with a novel proposition. She had them broadcast details of a pilot program wherein the wizard would subsidize the costs of an on-line quit smoking program patented by the 'sons of sheep stealers', prescription drugs, and nicotine replacement patches to the first ninety-four people (oh c'mon, this is a small town) that were willing to try it. The only requirement of the would be beneficiaries was to personally request the assistance and sign a waiver absolving anyone connected with any part of the program from damages.

Piece of cake. Right? Sure.

Here's where I screwed up. I took the necessary steps to reach one of the radio stations, signed the waiver, and "voila", I was in. I then called upon the wizard to get clarification on a couple of points in the printed material given to me in exchange for my signature on the waiver. That done, I went about my merry way, terrified at the prospect of actually going through with the plan. I mean, these things had been my pals for over thirty years. Sticking with me thru thick and thin, rain or shine, and day and night. Both of us keeping the pact we had negotiated so long ago, me to keep smoking them and they to kill me extremely slowly. But, I digress.

The biggest mistake I made was confiding my plans to those closest to me. How was I to know they would greet the news with enthusiasm, expressions of support, and expections of completion! How could I have been so foolish?

It is now in excess of forty-eight hours since I smoked my last cigarette. I have gotten to the point where I have to have a cigarette or strangle someone. I can't smoke (they are watching me all the time and are everywhere), and the roof of my house is not high enough to ensure my demise , as opposed to serious injuries with excruciating pain and suffering.

So, my new mantra is "maybe you're the one".

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 2001


Just checking.

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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2001

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