This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 61


smiley - fish
Here, have a fishy!

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 62

Black Swan

smiley - fish Have another Fishy!

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 63

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

Hmm... how to deal with this... weed-wacker? nah, too messy... lawn-mower? nah, too painful... vacuum cleaner? nah, too awkward...

I seem to only have offensive fish weapons... wait! what's this? A smiley - winkeye! that might do the trick!

Couldn't you heroes find some remotely fresh fish? only us villians can be as malicious as to use rotten ones... us being rotten ourselves...

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 64

soeasilyamused, or sea

thanks NYC, it's hard to watch a battle forum from the middle of nowhere and no internet... smiley - winkeye

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 65

Black Swan

Excuses Excuses....thanks for setting up my Super Battle Forum for me...I was wondering how long it would take and who would be the one to set it up for me!

Let's not forget what I came here for...
smiley - fish

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 66


Hi Black Swan - here let me join you in ridding the world of wickedness and stuff
smiley - fish

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 67


and one from me too smiley - fish

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 68


Fish #4, just to be sure
smiley - fish

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 69

Iceraven(Lord of Shadows)(Muse of Vampirism)(Keeper of Things that should not be)

~The heros stumble backwards as a few well placed .45 rounds richochete off the ground in front of them~ Naughty naughty picking on a girl ~Ice, resplendent in his black coat, shades and twin shining magnum's, lands on the ground after jumping off the 14 story roof behind SEA~ No I suggest you all back the &*^* off before this gets messy ~still keeping his weaps trained on the array of zero he kicks the fish off SEA and presses her anti-fish-auto-heater on her belt with the toe of his boot~ smiley - winkeye There you go that should fix that. Now ~looks back at the zero's~ what are you still doing here ~continues to fire at there feet forceing them to continue to stumble backwards~ You really need to work on your listining skills ~raises his pistol higher and wizes a round by Gavroche's head~ Shoo frenchy Moves his other hand and shots the top shoulder of vest-boys vest, missing his body but inflicting a messy tear that will not be easy to fix~ Move it Steenky ~With a shot from each of his guns he shoots Ishhara's hair (throughly messing it up) and clips swans wingtip nicking a few feathers of on the process~ Guess what? I still got quite a few round in each of these so lets keep the fishing to a minimum or I'll have to come back and really get angry.

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 70

soeasilyamused, or sea

my he-- uh, my villain???
*hugs iceraven tightly and kisses him*
thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
smiley - winkeye
hey... you look hot in that coat!!!

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 71


smiley - fish

I am chivalrous to all women except those who are evil. A good superhero doesn't allow an evil women to catch them offguard, regardless of how beautiful they are.

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 72

soeasilyamused, or sea

aww... that's not very nice gavroche... be careful, you might hurt my feelings... *bats eyes at him* and that wouldn't be a very good idea. i get really nasty when my feelings get hurt.
*crosses to gavroche*
now you run along and don't you be causing anymore trouble in my battle forum, or else- *looks around and lowers voice* i'll hunt you down and make you sorry. got it? *sunny smile* good!!!
smiley - winkeye

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 73

soeasilyamused, or sea

(Soeasilyamused looks around and sighs. then she sets up her hammock and takes a nap) smiley - winkeye

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 74

soeasilyamused, or sea

(is having a lovely dream about causing havoc all over h2g2)

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 75

soeasilyamused, or sea

(lovely dream turns into a nightmare where the superzeroes ruin all her fun)
*suddenly wakes up screaming*
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! oh! *relieved* just a nightmare...
*goes back to sleep*

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 76

Larj Parz

Look what I found with my little worm]
smiley - fish
I'm sorry he smells a bit but I had to keep it in my coal celler as the fridge was full of muscle building drinks and food.

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 77


smiley - fish

This one comes from the pool in the inner sanctum of a ancient temple.

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 78

soeasilyamused, or sea

sorry, i only accept home-grown, non-organic fish. smiley - winkeye

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 79


Such appalling manners!!!!

smiley - fish

Super Battle- soeasilyamused

Post 80

soeasilyamused, or sea

i'm picky. sorry. no, wait, i'm not sorry. smiley - winkeye

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