Journal Entries

i'm so BORED!!! ^. .^

there's absolutely nothing to do now school's over...i haven't got any interestnig comments or anything on deviantART in the last few days, nor have i had anything much to upload...conversation on h2g2 hasn't been very thrilling (no offence anyone smiley - erm)...none of the community artists seem to exist so i can't really occupy myself with that...i don't have any inspiration for any art or anything...there's nowhere to go, all my friends seem to be doing other stuff, or i just can't get in contact with them...i've just played on a computer game for way too long and it's sucking the life out of brother's coming home in a few days luckily, so at least i'll have someone to talk to...i've got a part-time job but that's not exactly the most thrilling job in the world smiley - tongueout
i haven't even got dressed today smiley - yikes
smiley - erm
just felt like ranting...well that took up a few minutes of boredom anyway...smiley - erm
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Latest reply: Jun 29, 2003

finito! ^. .^

no more a-levels...quite possibly ever smiley - biggrin
i finished yesterday, with french lit, but h2g2 was being very pooey so i didn't journalise the fact then...
it sort of feels like a mixture of fantastic and no different...
oh, and i booked my driving test...27th august...
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Latest reply: Jun 24, 2003

matrix query...^. .^

how do humans reproduce? they don't get any contact with each other in the real world, only in the matrix, where they only *think* they're making babies, how do the machines keep a constant supply of humans? smiley - erm
^. .^
= ' =

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Latest reply: Jun 9, 2003

gameses ^. .^

let's say i wanna save up some money and buy a computer i get enter the matrix, or the sims?
(enter the matrix would probly be cheaper, as i'd wanna get extensions for the sims)

^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2003

no more schooooool!! wooo!

last day of school was TODAY!!!!
smiley - biggrin
smiley - cry
smiley - smiley
smiley - erm
smiley - smiley
didn't have any lessons, blatently...well, in spanish, we ate, and in french we went to malsters, so it doesn't count...
our year didn't do any *really* evil pranks...lots of sort of little blowing up *loads* of balloons and putting them on the bridge so everyone had to walk through them this morning, and having a barbecue ouside the sixth form block, and making pictures and handprints and things and sticking them over the pictures all round the school, and yesterday a couple of people went round school putting up notices saying "mufti day tomorrow", and most people got told it was a prank, but one poor year 7 came in in mufti! aww!
and a couple of people this morning parked their cars in awkward places and caused chaos...
and then there was the general shirt-signing...
oh, and the boys' school was apparently *very* mean to tolly...
but generally, i think it was a good day...
now i'm getting addicted to big brother, tomorrow i've got a trial day for a saturday job, and last night the 6.2 boarders all went out for a meal then to the pub, and i shocked vicki by having a double vodka (foul stuff, really)
then when we got back to the boarding house there was a weird power cut...
so yeah, that's my life right now
smiley - smiley
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Latest reply: May 23, 2003

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