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johnredbear Started conversation May 23, 2009
My mind grows stronger as I heal and unless I am tired I am thinking m9ore clearly. The thoughts are in the same way but are with different words.
I have a weak place in a vessel in my brain that had leaked. It was repaired but still stays weak. There is no more to be done. It is a strange feeling to see that every moment I may find that I am gone over to my fathers. I make myself focus on now. I make mysels to remember that I may go on for many many years.
I fished with my wife yesterday. It was very pleasant.
A few days ago she prepared me a special dinner. All of my favorite thins. I had venison and fresh wild mushrooms. My wife found wild leeks that she calls rampions. We ate berries from last year and corn cake. Also we had smoked fish from early Winter. I enjoyed it much and was lightened.
My family is to gather in a few weeks there will be seventy of us. This is more than have been together since over a hundred years. Of these I have eight children and eleven grandchildren. There will be many more grandchildren one day. My lodge is full and warm. One day my family will be strong again and our clan will be stronger than for many years. I desire this.
I am grown tired now. I need to write to someone here today but not now. I go.
Websailor Posted May 23, 2009
Thank you for posting. Take one day at a time. There is no tomorrow until it is today. Enjoy every minute, and may you have many more years ahead of you.
Your food sounds wonderful and your family gathering sounds something really special.
johnredbear Posted May 24, 2009
Thankyou for your wise words. Our family has been 32 years since gathering all of us. I will see cousins from Washinton state and Alaska too that I have not run with for many many years. We will seek a place that is private since last time we were at a park and people not of us came to our gathering as though we were an entertainment and some were very rude to us. They were amused by singing and dancing and costumes of us and had no mind for the fact of our gathering being a special thing to us. So this year we camp at a lake that must be gotten to by foot for a mile and a little more. Then no bad words no violence etc.
McKay The Disorganised Posted May 25, 2009
I was adopted so I don't know my birth father, but I was raised by birth mothers sister. I have 2 half-brothers I have not seen for years, and I have an adoptive sister who I see rarely ~ weddings, funerals, christenings.
My family are my children, 5 girls and a boy, and I try to keep them close. One though I can see will not be a home bird, she will fly and all I can do is look forward to her returns.
I wish you joy on your time with your clan.
johnredbear Posted May 25, 2009
Six children are a lot for these days. We always had very long looks from people with ours all together, many were disapproving. I too have a daughter that roams. She is my youngest and is 22, she has lived in Arizona for nine months and now will move to Washington state in a very few days. She is very pretty. We make her call us every night and sometimes she calles twice. She is very independent but humors our fears.
Though I knew my father and mother I was as good as adopted by my grandparents. You were fortunate to be adopted by family members i think.
Do you have grandchildren Mckay? If yes you know the blessing, if not it is an event to look forward to with great anticipation!
Thankyou for writing good wishes to me.
McKay The Disorganised Posted Jun 21, 2009
No grandchildren yet John - only one of my girls is married so far, and she lives nearby.
I had to drive down to London today to pick up my roamer, she is unwell, and we've brought her home to nurse her.
Many people disapprove of our brrod too, indeed people often assume we must on our second marriage, because there is a 12 year gap between number 4 and number 5.
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