This is the Message Centre for Natchrawldry

Damned mods

Post 81


Just been looking at your link site smiley - laugh. How do you bookmark?

Damned mods

Post 82


Rectal Krakatoas! smiley - laugh

Damned mods

Post 83


Click on favourites in top left and click add to favourites
To retrieve open favourites again.
Loads of good made up stuff on that site that takes this piss out of wikipaedia as much as anything else.
Gotta go as I can feel my own rectal krakatoa rumbling and I might need a bath aftersmiley - biggrin
See you tomorrow mate
smiley - cheers

Damned mods

Post 84


Dunno what you think Vim but all this sensible chitchat just aint us?

Saw an indonesian fruitfly this morning selling pedicures for white albinos' only,which i thought not to be 2 pc. What d'you reckon?

Damned mods

Post 85


Brilliant typo btw smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

Tomorrow mate smiley - cheers

Damned mods

Post 86


Morning Natch
Oops.wikipaedia.The paediatricians biblesmiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh Paul Whicker the tall vicar,Roger Irrelevant,Boswell Boyce he Throws his Voice Gilbert Ratchet and Tinribs and Norbert Colon
Still do for me(makes it sound as if I like to knock one out over it Eeuurgh!

If you come across the Indonesian Fruit Fly again Stamp on the little racist B'stard

Damned mods

Post 87


Evening Vim
Sober today smiley - biggrin,had a bit of an unscheduled Natchattack yesterday. Paid for it today...smiley - sadface
Haven't seen that fly today,i'll have him if i spot him.
Cool hearing about Viz again,i haven't seen it for years,i might start buying it again. Do they still have 'Top Tips'? such as: Instead of buy expensive gifts at Christmas,simply slaughter all your friends and family.
smiley - ok

Damned mods

Post 88


Evening Natch
Yep still in there along with Fat Slags,Spoilt Bastard,Biffa Bacon
Still not as funny as it used to be though
Looks like we might have a new car soonsmiley - biggrin

Damned mods

Post 89


What have you got your eye on?

Damned mods

Post 90


Down to a Vauxhall Zafira or Honda Civic both got around 50-60k
on the clock.Head says Civic heart says Zafira cos it's like a van with all the seats down but Civic is a bit boring but generally reliable.
Didcot beat the Posh lot 2-0 last night play off final on Saturday away to AFC Totton. Biggset league game in their history

Damned mods

Post 91


I'm quite limited with what i know about cars,but i hear the jap ones have a good reputation.

Cool for Didcot smiley - ok is it not a neutral ground for the final?

Damned mods

Post 92


Not got a great knowledge meself

I don't know how they decide who has home advantage does seem a bit unfair.Maybe it's final league position

Damned mods

Post 93


That's what i thought(unfair bit),considering the magnitude of the game
with all the dozens of fans having to travel!
C'mon the Railwaymen!!!

Damned mods

Post 94


Yeah I'll bet there'll be a couple of hundred going down though not me
I had a look around on here this morning and found loads of jokes some of which had been removed.Thread goes back nine years!
Best was whats brown and smells funny
Clown poosmiley - biggrin

Damned mods

Post 95


I heard a couple off my mate last night,he's a compendium of jokes but the only ones i can remember are the text ones(impaler etc) and the really bad ones but he's such a funny bloke he manages to pull them off with his infectious laughter. Last nights offering:

What's fluffy and pink?
pink fluff

What's fluffy and blue?
cold pink fluff!

Bad i know...smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Damned mods

Post 96


Sorry Natch
Been trying to get a live stream for the football but it's been hopeless.
Still jobs half done and apparently United battered the Arse(heh heh)

Here's another old one for you
An old couple are enjoying oral sex together.The old man old man says
"I can't stay down here any longer,it stinks"
Old lady replies
"Sorry it's my arthritis".
"What, in your fanny?"
"No in my arm"she replies"I can't wipe my arse"smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

Damned mods

Post 97


Don't forget Inbetweeners tonightsmiley - smiley

Damned mods

Post 98


Tell you whats good about this board you can post instantly
and only two more posts to 100

Damned mods

Post 99


And as I got to 50 first..........

Damned mods

Post 100


I thought I'd get the century toosmiley - biggrin

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