Me, myself and I

I have chosen the nickname of oldmothertime because I have discovered an exact way in which to measure a year, after studying the movement of the Earth, and it's orientation, for the last ten years or so. I am anxious to pass this knowledge on before my life ends.
I am a 74yr old great grandmother, my computer skills are limited, I do not like live chat rooms, because I am so slow typing up, otherwise I love to chat and meet as many people from all walks of life as I can.
I emigrated to Australia, from Devon UK, late 1969 with my husband and three children.
My youngest son committed suicide at age 34yrs. He inspired me to look for and achieve something that no one else had ever thought of. I do not think he meant a new measurement of Time, rather he thought it should be something simple that everyone could use so that we could make lots of money from it. In fact I began by designing a clock that marked the time in every Time Zone and had Internet beats around the perimeter so you could convert from whatever Zone you were in to wherever you wanted to phone or travel to. It may yet have it's uses I suppose.
My husband died in December 2003 since when I have been back to the UK twice for holidays and then I came home to stay when I remarried in October 2008.
This is my third age so to speak. If I am to achieve anything it has to be now or never.
With the help of my lovely granddaughter I have put up a web page. The internet is a wondrous thing but at the end of the day, if we all use it, we are like grains of sand on the beach and no one takes any notice of us. If you are interested then the URL is ><" >< />By discovering the correct orientation of the Earth in relation to the Sun, it helps to understand the way in which it is driven and how it maintains the same size circle about the Sun year after year. In any event, if I am wrong and the circle is not the same every year, then we can now take accurate measurements to find out how it varies.
If knowledge is built on an error then all we achieve is a bigger error.
Knowledge is all about finding the true facts and building on them.
h2g2 seems like a good place to start and I look forward to posting again soon.

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An ACE G'day oldmothertime ... Jan 16, 2009


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Joyce Mitchell

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