This is the Message Centre for j_z_d

how do I

Post 1

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

How would I go about starting a UFO group. I don't see one here abouts.

how do I

Post 2


smiley - sorryI missed that earlier! I'll do some asking around & get back to you, ok.

how do I

Post 3

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

K. I've looked around at the H2G2 community and in the
World of H2G2 and didn't see anything like that. Saw some areas others created for folks to hang but couldn't find how to go about it.

how do I

Post 4


Hmm the one person I asked hasn 't replied yet. Time for another transatlantic plea...Germany this time(hang on).

how do I

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi there. smiley - smiley

If you want to found an h2g2 club, just set up an A page (click on 'Write an Entry'), telling what it is all about. You can then go and advertise your new club here: A192791

Good luck with it. smiley - goodluck

how do I

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, and there is <./>ThePost</.>, too. They have a special page for clubs here: A660340

how do I

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hah! I was just getting to this.. and I see you managed to get the jump on me, again! smiley - tongueout

Welcome to h2g2, here are a few links that have already been set up. It gives you an idea of how you might want your club to look smiley - ok

A304354 Lil’s Atelier.
This is a well established and continuing thread, with friends chatting.

A2438750 Shadow Realm.
A now quiet thread, which had a conversation area (The Forest and Village) and a serious RPG, told in the form of a story.

A7356738 Masters of the MultiVerse (moved into The Mansion).
Once a very popular thread, which had totally zany/oddball adventure threads, or a tea room.

A8669640 H2G2 Talking Heads.
This was created to give some newbies from the Radio messageboards a place to chat while they settled into their new home. You will find this still has active moments.

Also, when opening your Entry, please ensure you tick the 'not for review' box, then you won't drop it into PeerReview by accident smiley - smiley

lil x

how do I

Post 8

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Thanks all for the assist.

how do I

Post 9

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

What would be the GuideML for making a link clickable in a guide entry?

how do I

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

Depends on whther it's an internal link or an external one.
Internal links would go something like:


For an external link, just mark the word you want to have linked, click on the 'link' icon (top right of your text box), write the link into it, press return, and bingo.smiley - ok

how do I

Post 11


smiley - biggrinAh thanks again lil & B'El! smiley - cuddle

how do I

Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

You're welcome, jaz'd. Any time. smiley - smooch

how do I

Post 13

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*making notes* smiley - biro

Hey, Bel's teaching me a thing or two here! smiley - biggrin

how do I

Post 14


smiley - laughsmiley - smoochsmiley - winkeye

how do I

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


You are welcome Jaz'd smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

smiley - magic

how do I

Post 16


smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

how do I

Post 17

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

And again a hardy thanks.

how do I

Post 18

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Ok so why won't my journal entries go away when I delete them?

how do I

Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You cannot delete your Journals by clicking on the X via your Conversation Centre.

However, if you look at your Journals you will see:

'Remove this Journal Entry from your Space'

This will only take the journal out of your Conversation Centre. Anyone subbed to your conversations will still be able to see it/reply in there.

how do I

Post 20

longhaircowboy-UFO Hunter

Yeah I hit the remove journal but I still see it. I made a mistake and one and was hoping to lose it.

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