My Homepage
Welcome to my homepage.
My name is Leocadia Jo Massey-Guyton. I was named after my maternal grandmother and I'm mostly known as Kady, since Leocadia is a little unweildy for everyday usage.
The Rest Of It:
I'm a web designer living in Juneau, AK. and looks like I'll be here for a couple of years.
This is my first extended stay in the Last Frontier, as they like to call it, and I'm glad I have my passport.
I have most of a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design and I don't know if I'll ever finish it. The whole point of going to college was to get a good job and I seemed to have scored that. So at this point getting the diploma would just be frosting. Nice frosting but still.
My brother lives in the UK and he and I enjoy comparing American news to Eurpoean news. The different points of view are both funny and oddly frightening sometimes. A lot like this site.
Let the mirth begin.
Researcher U136780
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