This is the Message Centre for Titania (gone for lunch)

better late than eaten by a rabid platypus...

Post 1


My humblest apologies dear Titania, for not replying to your welcome of four weeks ago. I have been rather tied up for the last month, but shall strive to be a little frequent in my visits to the Guide and, bondage not withstanding, will endeavour to answer messages with a speed that can't be measured in dog years.
Thank you for the kind welcome and offer of instruction. Over the next week or so I hope to add colour and an image to my page (after visiting the appropriate info links).

~ yours in abject humility, RaNdoM

better late than eaten by a rabid platypus...

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

RaNdoM - are you still here?

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better late than eaten by a rabid platypus...

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