This is the Message Centre for Galigan

Hello Galigan!

Post 81


such is life indeed. i didn't know Tolkein was dead. i was expecting it of Lewis but i thought since LOTR was quite a recent thing he might be still alive. how odd.
i know how you feel about the work. i've got a presentation to do as part of my physics coursework which i'm supposed to have had finished a long time ago. every time i try to get it done i give up because it's so futile and come on here instead.smiley - smiley
we did Joseph at my old school. i can't remember if i've already said that to you so i'm going to go and remind myself of the blog of this convo when i've finished writing this.smiley - run

Hello Galigan!

Post 82

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Actually, Lord of the Rings was written in the '50s. Lewis and Tolkien were around at the same time.
I don't think you've already told me about Joseph; if you did, I've forgotten. Sorry.
I wish I had something exciting to write, but I don't. The most exciting thing happening at the minute is the Cambridge trip, which I've already told you about.
Pom pom pom.
I'm back at school now. Groan.
I really should be doing this essay.
Better go.
See you.

Hello Galigan!

Post 83


something exciting happened to me. check it out other than that things are pretty normal, although other than that i don't really have a social life or even a working life for the next week. oh well, i've forgotten about it too. i have no room left in my memory. have fun at school. it's really not all that bad. look forward to the weekend or something.

Hello Galigan!

Post 84

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Wow! Sounds cool! This could be your big lucky break thing! Good luck for it and I hope your throat gets better! I've never seen West Side Story, but I think it's some kind of modern Romeo and Juliet or something? Hope it goes well! smiley - smiley
Sorry about the big depressed thing yesterday. Essays can do that to a person.
I've just been volunteered to lead a Bible study in school! smiley - yikes So I've no idea how that's going to work out. I've never done anything like that before. But it's not starting for another few weeks so at least I can get something prepared.
Plus, I've just found out I need to wear formal dress to a dinner at Cambridge. Hahaha. The only skirt I possess is my school one, and I haven't worn a dress since I was three. All my trousers are jeans. smiley - erm I'll just turn up in jeans and get kicked out or something.
Anyway hope you're well. All the best for Tony! smiley - biggrin

Hello Galigan!

Post 85


let's not get ahead of ourselves now, it's only a school production. oh to heck with it, this is so great! i could be spotted and become a famous acting type person.*eyes glaze over for a considerable period*


sorry about that. it's exciting and everything but i dunno what's gunna happen afterwards. to tell the truth i'm getting rather unnerved about the whole thing right now, and the main reason is that i don't feel nervous about it. i think i'm somehow supressing my fear and it's going to burst out of me at a really inappropriate time, like on stage of the first night! i'm fine most of the time but every night since i got the part i've woken up for no apparent reason. i'm starting to think it's my subconscious panicing for me or something.

yeha it's basically romeo and juliet but she doesn't die at the end, i do. i love that scene it's really fun. i get to do a dramatic death-fall and then 6 people have to carry me out up through the audience and into a room at the back of the theatre. it's fun/weird being carried and the other guys are always complaining about how heavy i am which from my position is rather funny.smiley - smiley

and what's more i've got my voice back! i've got a singing lesson with a professional theatre guy today so hopefully i will be able to work out all the songs with him.

essays are a bit annoying i'll agree. there's a girl who's one of the other main parts in the year above me and she's got 17 preps that she has to catch up with! luckily i've not been set many recently.

good luck with the Bible study! not sure what goes on in them but i'm sure you'll be fine judging by all the bible eferances in the blog. and have fun at Cambridge too. i'm sure you'll find something that you look smashing in!

what in god's name prompted me to use the word 'smashing' just then? god my brain needs a rest!</>

Hello Galigan!

Post 86

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Sounds great! And I'm sure you'll be fantastic so don't worry! And you never know about being spotted because when we were doing Midsummer's Night's Dream last year they invited someone from RADA to come and watch it and one of the guys doing it got an audition there (can't remember if I've told you that already). When are you performing it?
I've no idea what a prep is but I assume it's some kind of essay thing. I still haven't done any more of mine so I'm really going to have to work on it tonight because it's for Friday.
The Bible study should work out OK, I've got a book talking about the main themes in Philippians and how to apply them to your life, so I think I'll use it as the basis of the study. Or something.
I haven't heard anyone say smashing for a long time, except in the context of "Johnny's smashing a bottle over Andy's head" or something like that. smiley - biggrin Anyway I'm getting a cheapo pair of smartish trousers and a shirt, and then I can wear it for work experience as well. And then never have to see it again. Only problem is it means I have to wear boots and I can't walk in high heels. smiley - erm Will have to practise unless I want to look like an idiot.
Anyway good luck with your rehearsals! Hope they go well! smiley - smiley

Hello Galigan!

Post 87


thanks for the good luck! at the moment i think i'm gunna need all i can get. in the rehearsal yesterday i tried singing and it was going ok until i was forbidden from saying anything because my voice started going again. it is rather agravating trying to do a fight scene with someone else shouting out your lines from the audience.
i don't remember you saying anything about the guy getting the audition but that could be due to my memory, i remember you saying something about a guy who has an audition to some drama type school or somthing like that. not sure if it's the same guy.
the first performance is on tuesday and it's thursday today so the fact i haven't done any song yet is starting to worry me.smiley - erm
er, a prep is a piece of homework. work for your free time or, it our case, work to do in prep time which is from 7 til 9 on weekdays. have you never heard someone use the word prep before when talking about homework? where do you go to school by the way, i don't think you ever said.
i'm so lucky i haven't been set any, but we did do an in class times essay which i somehow did really well on so i was rather pleased with that. smiley - smiley
good luck with the bible study. i'm sure you'll be fine.
smashing is one of those words no one really uses anymore like 'crikey' or 'by jingo'. not that i've ever heard them used anyway...
a girl who can't walk in heels, i never thought i'd see the day! are you a tomboy then, not liking smart clothes? i wear stuff because it's comfy and durable. i only wear stuff for looks on special occasions, or very rarely when i just feel like doing it to make myself feel good, but i wouldn't wear something really uncomfortable just for the look.
i'm starting to sound alarmingly like a girl now so i'll stop talking about clothes.

*scours brain for manly subject*



i got nothing.smiley - erm should i be worried?

Hello Galigan!

Post 88

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Maybe you're just the sensitive type. I, on the other hand, instantly thought of rugby. Maybe I should be worried too.
I'm not really a tomboy or anything, I just don't see the point of wearing something you don't like because it's cool, or paying loads for a T-shirt just because it's a good label.
I went through a phase when I was about 10 of reading Biggles books - have you ever read them? They're about this fighter pilot and everyone in them says 'by Jove' and 'jolly good, old chap' etc, so for a while I talked like that. I can remember calling my brother a 'beastly sneak' and being completely mocked, which I deserved for saying something so stupid.
Never heard of prep before, we just call it homework. But I gather you're at a boarding school so it must be some kind of thing there. Compulsory work from 7 to 9 every day! Eek!
I go to a grammar school, but it's a state school because we still have the 11+ in Northern Ireland. But they're scrapping it now so we're going comprehensive and all the grammar schools will become private. But that's after I leave school.
I don't actually believe in luck, but I hope your play goes well. Stop talking to people! Write everything down and hold up pieces of paper. And... er... *searches in brain for something suitably medical*... drink lots of water, and get throat spray, and eat chocolate. The fight scene sounds cool, we got to do the fight scene in Romeo and Juliet in English last year which was so much fun! Maybe you could just mime and someone could stand behind the curtain and shout your lines? smiley - smiley

Hello Galigan!

Post 89


if i liked rugby or football i would have mentioned them. sadly i'm not that way inclined. football is riddiculously overrated and responsible in part for the yob culture today and rugby i don't like because i do it here and the training sessions suck.

never read any biggles myself but i've heard of them.a 10 year old saying 'by jove', no wonder you were mocked!

i think prep is the abbreviation used because saying 'homework time' instead is too long. it's not just a boarding school thing either because they had that at my old school too. it's what we do and it's also the time in which we do it. simple.smiley - smiley

so you're in Ireland then? ots of people on here seem to be from there.

my voice is much better today but i've still tried to talk little and drink a lot of warm water, which is really weird by the way. smiley - erm

oh, and apparently the chocolate is a bad idea. the old fight scene i did was cool, now all i do is catch a dead body and kill some other guy. before i was thrown to the floor and kicked and everything! it was so much fun!"smiley - wow

anmyway i've got to go now because extra long rehearsal starts in 5 minutes. fun.smiley - run

Hello Galigan!

Post 90

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

I'm not really into rugby or football either. the only sport I play is badminton, and I'm not good enough to get on the team.
Did I really not say I was from Ireland before? Wow. I just assumed I had. Anyway I live in officially Northern Ireland and I have a British passport but I'm applying for an Irish one. Although I haven't told any of my friends because they're all very Unionist. smiley - erm
The warm water sounds gross. I prefer the chocolate idea, even if it doesn't work. The fight scene would be fun! Hope the rehearsal went well.
Anyway, better go cos I'm STILL writing this essay. Grr. Although admittedly it would have been done hours ago if I hadn't been wandering around the Internet so much. smiley - smiley

Hello Galigan!

Post 91


that's the great/annoying thing about the internet and this site in particular. it's so astronomically easy to waste time! i'm surprised i ever get any work sone sometimes.

it went ok but i'm still not allowed to sing in case my voice goes again.smiley - sadface and i know i'm not the only one getting annoyed with that. plus the dress rehearsal on monday has been changed to a performance because the other nights are fully booked! smiley - grr

what's the difference between british and irish passport? you still get to travel so what's the problem with your friends? bleugh, politics.

i've been set a few pre... pieces of homework today and the teachers seem to be getting to the end of their tether with people not being ablt to do them. believe me when this thing is over so many people are going to be relieved!

p.s. badminton rocks!

Hello Galigan!

Post 92

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

The essay is complete! Finally! And half my class didn't bother doing it so they got an extension over the weekend. smiley - grr But I've got it done anyway so my weekend is FREE! smiley - smiley
I wanted an Irish passport because loads of countries (particularly in Africa and the Middle East) won't let you in on a British one. Whereas you show an Irish one, and people go, "Ooh, you're Irish! My great-great-great-great-grandfather emigrated from there! Do you have a pet leprechaun?" (I kid you not, I have actually been asked that. Americans...) But no-one likes the British because they pal with America and that's not very popular.
Our teachers are cracking up too. For about three weeks it was opera practices, so half the class were away. Now it's the French exchange trip, so half the class is away again. Then there's a business studies trip next week and then my Cambridge trip. So we haven't had a full class since September. Oh, and one of my friends has gone on holiday to Cuba. smiley - erm
smiley - borg OK, so it's tennis, but we don't seem to have a badminton smiley. I don't think it would be used that often anyway.
Have fun in your rehearsals! Hope your voice gets better!

Hello Galigan!

Post 93


i did an essay like that once. i stayed in house when everyone else was doing the school cross country finishing it but SOMEONE said they couldn't do it and got an extension over half term. (she's sitting behind me, hence the text shouting (yes, i realise she can't hear me))
yeah i hate how people don't like the british because of the yob culture and because Blair doesn't have a spine. if i have a Jersey passport what will they think of me then?smiley - erm
at the moment i'm planning a holiday with the aforementioned slacker for no reason other than boredome. so far we'ce established that we're having a holiday next july to somewhere is europe to go clubbing for under £300.smiley - erm
my voice is back now and i've got a singing session tonight on my own but the main girl is now losing her voice along with half the rest of the cast (luckily in minor roles). i swear there's some sort of curse placed on anyone who does West Side Story.
smiley - borg

Hello Galigan!

Post 94

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

They have Jersey passports?
If you're going on holiday, book your flights ASAP cos if you get them enough in advance they're incredibly cheap. I got to Glasgow once for under a tenner because we booked it months before. smiley - smiley And we're getting return flights to Cambridge for about £30 I think. I've no idea how much clubbing costs.
Maybe it's not so much a curse as an infectious... er... infection? At least now you won't look stupid if no-one else is singing either. Actually, maybe you would all look stupid. I'm sure it'll work out OK.

Hello Galigan!

Post 95


i know it will. i keep telling myself 'it'll be alright on the night'. although the period up until the night hasn't been entirely fun!
yeah at least i think mine's a jersey passport. could be a normal british one though. i don't use it when i go home because all i need then is any form of photographic ID. i've got one of those student ones where any picture you put into it suddenly looks much worse than it did before.smiley - erm
i don't know if we're being serious about this holiday but planning it was fun. anyway i've got to go now because apparently i've missed a house roll call because i was on the bus back from a rugby match. such it life!smiley - run

Hello Galigan!

Post 96

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

One of the reasons I'm so desperate to get an Irish passport is because the photo on my British one is terrible, and I have to keep it for the next ten years.
When I was in Germany last summer at a Christian conference, we were in the bus on the way back to the airport and someone decided to write on my face. All the people in the airport were killing themselves laughing and I only found out why hours later.
Anyway, gotta go, there's a church baptism service tonight. smiley - run

Hello Galigan!

Post 97


hope it was good. we've got first performance today and yet i'm not very nervous. i think i'm either in shock or denial at the moment.smiley - erm
ran through it yesterday and it went ok appart from one or 2 things.
i get a new ID card every year and i've still got my old ones. out of all 4 of them i don't like any of the pictures. not a one.
that drawing on the face thing reminds me of an episode of friends when ross draws on rachel and then it won't come off and then he draws on himself to make it up to her and they get hisseously drunk and get married. so basically a normal episode. (i watch far too much tv smiley - erm)

Hello Galigan!

Post 98

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Sounds funny! I don't watch that much TV really, cos usually when I've finally finished my homework I just go on the computer, and when I've finished on here someone else is watching some mindless sci-fi show so I just forget about it.
The problem with passport photos is I wear glasses, so I have to take them off for photos or you just get a big reflection of light where my eyes are. So in all my photos I'm kind of squinting really badly.
How did your performance go??? Hope it went well! smiley - smiley

Hello Galigan!

Post 99


it went really well for me!!!
first song, NAILED IT! so good!!
second song, spot on!! (-ish)
next scene little blunder with lines but recovered well
fight scene, someone FORGOT his knife so there was a knife fight with only one knife which ended up being kicked off the stage and we had to wait for the other guy to go and get it so he could stab my friend and then i could stab him with my imaginary knife! but i think we recovered that ok.
my next song messed up my entry at the end but i'll get that right for tomorrow.
final scene, so good!!! shouting stuff like 'come get me too you bastard!' and stuff like that and then i get shot! it's so much fun! and i died after the gunshot this time rather than the rehearsal when i fell to my knees before the gun went off. it went really well but the audience was all 3rd and 4th form and tiny people who didn't really clap. but the first night audience is always rubbish. it was last year too.
i'm really looking forward to tonight because my mum's coming out and i haven't told her my part's changed yet!
hope you're ok, right back soon!!!smiley - somersault

Hello Galigan!

Post 100

BP - sometime guardian of Doobry the Thingite wolf

Wow, sounds fantastic! Well done! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley Hope tonight goes well too and your mum enjoys it! (Well of course she will cos you're in it anyway). Should be great! Wish I could see it... you aren't anywhere near Cambridge are you?
Cambridge on Thursday! smiley - biggrin Still can't walk in the heels but never mind. I'm excited! Except I hate aeroplanes so that's not good. But I'm excited anyway...
Anyway, have a toilet bru... bunch of flowers for your fantastic performance. smiley - cheerup

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