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Does Pratchett.....?
Researcher 185550 Started conversation Oct 5, 2001
I had a look on your conversation and it has gone into 100th posting. If by now you are well and truly hooked on Pratchett, I would suggest coming to Pratchett's Anonymous. It has fallen flat on it's face and we NEED people to go there.
Does Pratchett.....?
kabads Posted Oct 11, 2001
I unsubscribed from that conversation weeks ago, I'm ashamed to admit. Not because I'm not a pratchett fan, more because it seemed to be a dialogue between two individuals, from what I can remember.
If I get a chance, I'll pop over and see what the place is like, although I'm a busy scout with picks to make
Does Pratchett.....?
Researcher 185550 Posted Oct 12, 2001
It is pretty much a dialogue, though the individuals occasionaly change. Don't worry if you don't drop in, our members are increasing slowly but steadily.
Does Pratchett.....?
kabads Posted Oct 12, 2001
I'm not sure if I could be as humorous as you lot though, that thread is a bit of a scream.
Does Pratchett.....?
Researcher 185550 Posted Oct 12, 2001
It comes natrually/through excess of coke/sherbert/sugar/long day at school.
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Does Pratchett.....?
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