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This 'n' That
Catwoman Started conversation Jun 6, 2001
Hello there!
You don't know me but ... I did a search for 'The Wedding Present' and one of your conversations popped up - the one concerning the Billy Bragg entry. You may be pleased to know that there is now a Wedding Present entry and as someone (whichever one of you it was) who is obviously interested in the band I'd really appreciate your coments on it.
Also, having had a quick look at your space I see a mention of primary school teaching. I am such a person, and indeed am ICT co-ordinator at my school. If you know of any decent websites that can be successfully used in primary education please let me know - I'm always on the look out.
Ciao and thanks.
This 'n' That
kabads Posted Jun 14, 2001
Thanks - sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I too am the ICT co-ordinator, which can be fun and a real pain in the backside at times, but hey, you don't want to be reminded of that, do you?
What were you doing searching for the Wedding Present? You must be someone of extremely good taste if you liked them. I thought for one moment on here that I'd found the original Dave Gedge, but it was all in vain.
Take care for now
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This 'n' That
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