Who am i?

Want some info about me?
Well, here we go:

I am a second year student at a university.
Pretty old for just a sophomore, but that is how
life wanted it to be...so yeah...

I like to write, but definitely do not consider myself
a good writer...it is more like an experiment/hobby.
However, the reason why I decided to write here for the
first time is my idealism...

I am an incredible idealist, who believes in kindness, love
and peace. I really hope that one day we'll be able to achieve
this...That is why the article I wrote the first time was about a charity, whose director I deeply respect.

Do not know what and how often I am going to write, but hopefully
my entries will be at least somewhat successful.

Thanks anybody, who is interested! loveblush

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Peer Review: A3728702 - Charity: Together we can make a difference! Jul 26, 2006 No Replies
let the fact speak Feb 5, 2006 No Replies


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Researcher U1331183


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