Charity: Together we can make a difference!

2 Conversations

Have you ever heard of a place called The Home With Love? Could you ever picture a place of care, love, and happiness? Do you think it doesn’t exist? But it does. The foundation stone for the orphanage, “SNEHALAYA-the home with love”, was laid in November, 2004. The cherished dream of Dr. B. K. Sharma began to come true…

A long time ago, a boy was born in Morena, India. He was poor but, thanks to his hard work and studies winning scholarships and encouragement by his parents he qualified as a Paediatric Surgeon from Bombay in India. Looking backwards he says that fortunately, he moved to England. He found success in the western world, but love for his home country, his people and the call of duty wouldn’t let him abandon India forever. He dreamt of creating an institution in India which could provide high quality medical services, health education, boundless care and love to underprivileged children, disabled and destitute, poor and sick, women and old. But he didn’t allow it to be just a dream. Following his calling, he became a National Health Service Doctor in the U.K. and started a charity programme in Gwalior, one of the most backward and poverty-stricken regions in India. There 6 million out of 11 million of the population are children. 90, 000 of those children are disabled. Most of them have been abandoned by their parents.

Dr. B. K. Sharma started the project without any Governmental financial support, using his own resources and later, assistance and support of his friends, colleagues, and volunteers. Together they have created a huge programme, which included the Gwalior Children’s Hospital, the Gwalior Mobile Hospital “A Real Hospital on Wheels”, a Hospice for children, a School-orphanage with facilities for vocational training and rehabilitation of disabled and destitute children, a scholarship programme for meritorious students and a poor students fund for children desiring to complete their education. All this was achieved in only a ten-year period, during which the doctor and his supporters struggled through illiteracy and ignorance of the people, absence of hygiene and sanitation, extreme poverty and malnutrition, parental rejection, and child-labor issues. All this time they have been working to overcome the bureaucracy, red tape and corruption among Governmental staff and authorities. Not with the help of the Government, but struggling through its barriers, Dr. B. K. Sharma and his supporters have achieved a lot and their potential is not fully realized yet.

The Gwalior Hospital has helped 22, 3249 people with vaccinations, consultations, investigations, treatment and operations in spite of the limited resources and funds. They performed 437 IOL operations too to give sight to these blind people. Radha, Jubita, and Gaurav are few of many children who got second life and now are leading a normal happy life. Although the charity’s own orphanage, “SNEHALAYA”, will not be finished until November 2005, it is already supporting 981 children in various schools and existing orphanages. They have done a lot, but numerous plans and projects for the future are still developing. Children need help as well as their supporters….The programme is struggling to find resources to fill the lives of the Indian destitute and disabled children with health, care, love, and happiness…Please, anyone who is interested and wishes to help or who wants to learn more about the programme and the work of the charity visit the web site of the Gwalior Hospital. Together we can make a difference!

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