Hello all.

My name is Deborah. I am married to Neil and we lived in Hertfordshire.

We have three children: a boy of eleven years, and two girls; nine years and four years old. They keep us on our toes...

I love cooking and eating - or do I enjoy eating so I love to cook! I don't prepare separate meals for my children. We all eat the same meals and they are pretty good eaters - but most of my fare is family-fare insofar as it is: stews, casseroles, roast dinners, cottage pies, fish pies and the like. I also bake the obligatory children's cakes and biscuits. I have a great muffin recipe book and I regularly bake muffins.

Two of my favourite kitchen electricals are my Panasonic breadmaker and my two slow cookers. They are both used on a regular basis.

I especially enjoy the BBC food message boards as there is a wealth of talent and experienced people to help and advise.


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ace's welcome virtualDeborah! No Posting Oct 16, 2008


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