This is the Message Centre for virtualDeborah

An abject apology

Post 1


Please accept my honestly meant sincere apology for what I said on the SC thread. I did not mean what I said, but my reaction to a SC being called "a device" just caused me to fly off the handle.

I really am sorry for what I said, and I did triangle my post, but the mods said I didn't contravene any House Rules so they wouldn't delete it.

Deborah, I really feel bad about what I said, so please will you forgive me?

Hello Rosie

Post 2


smiley - hugDear Rosie

Thank you for your message and apology. Of course your apology is accepted.

I have to add that it is a shame you have these outbursts because deep down I believe you are a kindhearted and warm person. The loss of your dear Lexie has a left a huge hole in your heart and your life - I understand this having owned two dogs. They are a huge part of a family and their loss has a big impact which takes time to recover from.

I hope to 'see' you on the Food Board, and especially the SC board, very soon.

With very best wishes
Deborah xx smiley - hug

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