Journal Entries

These things come in threes.

Jackson, Fawcett, Sugden, Malden.

That would be four.

Now please shut up, go away and never say anything as arse clenchingly dim as 'these things come in threes' again.


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Latest reply: Jul 1, 2009

A sad day to be British

So, enough people voted BNP for them to get two seats in Europe. Shameful.

There's a petition:

There are protests:

There are British fascists in European politics.

smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2009


With one exception (who shall remain nameless) it doesn't matter who for, just please make sure that, if you can, you vote tomorrow.

Remember, under PR a low turnout increases the relative strength of the lesser parties. Decide who you *don't* want representing us in Europe and get yourself off to the polling station to vote against them.

I'm not trying to tell you how to vote, just asking you to make sure that you do vote.


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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2009

The BNP...

...are leafletting by McDonalds in Church St, Liverpool now if you can get down and oppose the gits. If you can't get there, repost on your PS, Facebook, Twitter etc. status and spread the word!

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Latest reply: May 9, 2009

RIP Creepy Uncle Paul.

Most of you didn't know him but many of you knew of the legendary Creepy Uncle Paul, formerly my flatmate and the inspiration for much late night ranting.

He died last night. He'd had throat cancer, a series of pretty hardcore operations (including having his tongue removed) and had been in and out of hospital with various complications for months.

He'd been pretty weak for ages and this hasn't come as a surprise but is still pretty bloody final.

One sweet thing: my Mum painted possibly her best painting for him last summer and he reciprocated by sending her some plants for the garden. The rose is going great guns but my Mum thought the fuschias were a lost cause until, one morning three days ago, they sprang in to life. smiley - smileysmiley - cool

Anyway, I thought I should mention this here as he was a large part of my life (and journal!) for a couple of years.

RIP dude. I'll drink a glass of the 'Bow to ya'.smiley - rosesmiley - cider

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Latest reply: Apr 17, 2009

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