This is the Message Centre for Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


Post 41


Oh dear, i reckon it's just me, Roymondo & 2legs once again inhabiting the Dark Zone that is 5am & booze & naked men & unsuspecting animals.

All i was looking for was an alarm clock with big brass bells & what do i get? Harry Potters willy! I do agree he looks rather splendid....smiley - droolbut i reckon there's a bit of computer enhancedsmiley - magic going on!



Post 42

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

No computer enhanced majic here... no naked guys either... or girls come to that matter... or booze... I refuse to open teh fourth bottle of wine... its not even my wine anhow smiley - wahsmiley - erm I relaly really shoudl do that going to be thing bed thing.... bed... sleep .. yeh thats the thing I should do smiley - sorry


Post 43


I should too, i am due to be knocked up by a Christian in less than 2 hours, so i can go & beg with my Social w**ker.

If i had an alarm clock i wouldn't be dependent on a Christian. Hells bells....



Post 44

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh I've one lsice of pizza left if anyone wants it... darn... Must be only me then... thats breckfast sorted... now to try organise a finall* final* last cigarette then bed.... I'm relaly rather tired smiley - wahsmiley - weirdsmiley - erm nigty nighty night smiley - zzz


Post 45

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Two bottles of wine. I really drank two bottles of wine last night. On jmy own. Cripes.


Post 46


smiley - drool wine..........smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah


Post 47

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Yeah, I know it ain't good. I bought 'em for dinner but nobody else drank 'em. Still, I've been pretty good of late. I've not had a big'n since the gig.


Post 48


A big'n must be due soon then


Post 49

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'd have said two bottles of wine were a fairly big'n! But, reagrdless of that, do you fancy popping up to the Dublin Castle to see a few bands for a lot less money than last Tuesday?


Post 50


2 bottles a big'n...thats just an appetizersmiley - biggrin

Where, who and all that


Post 51

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Dublin Castle, Camden. Random unsigned, or recently signed, bands. £5 (probably). Usually four bands.


Post 52


smiley - blush and there was me thinking i cant afford plane tickets.

When is this?


Post 53

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Pretty much every weeknight. We chatted about it last week!


Post 54


Yes we did thats right, the prob i have is of getting there, it was ok when in-law drove.

But getting little old me there on ones tod might prove problematic, i will see what i can sort out and let you know for another time.

Its sounds good though, are you going tonight then


Post 55

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Nah, not tonight. Thursdays are usually the good ones.

I'm having a think about transport. I think you'd need to do a couple of tube changes, preceded by some bussing, which would be a pain, but you'd be welcome to commandeer the sofa bed afterwards.


Post 56


Ok, sofa bed sounds nicesmiley - cool, not too sure how the wife would take itsmiley - erm


Post 57

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

*avoids saying what he was going to say about 'how the wife takes it'*

It folds out to a double, and is very comfy.


Post 58


How the wife takes it....wish i knewsmiley - biggrin

Ooooh a double, i only do king sizesmiley - winkeyesmiley - yikes

Blimey, two 'Carry On' double entendres in one hitsmiley - cool


Post 59

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Good work.

I'm off out to buy an S-VHS cable. Fortunately I live remarkably close to Super-Fi, so I'll be back shortly. I'm not even going to log off!


Post 60


I might be gone by then, first client at 1 to chat to about his wine problemsmiley - tongueout...seriously

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