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Lettuce can be a challenge

Post 9081

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I'm sure it depends on the lettuce? smiley - bigeyes We used to put salt on ours as kids.

Watermelon Poetry Prize

Post 9082


Its the only cold drink mellowed four years in wood.

Good line, Sir. smiley - rofl A fine poem in fact, and a TV debut! A definite claim to fame.

Ah, I just mentioned vitamins and minerals in connection with the lettuce leaf. Stange coincidence. Vitamins and minerals get everywhere.

Although you and Verner's ginger ale weren't destined to spend your lives together, it seems, so no further poetic promotions ..

Traded for a watermelon?? Ah, a fine choice.

Seagram's Seven whisky? Never heard of it. (checks) Seagram's Seven, or Seven Crown.

I wonder can you get Seagram's Seven here? Ooh, looks like you can, Tesco's.

I have a bottle of JD waiting for me, another of my end of the world lockdown purchases smiley - rofl. Bought a small bottle of The Famous Grouse also. Why was I planning to see out my time with a bottle of JD, Famous Grouse (never been a whisky drinker) Bourneville dark chocolate, and crackers, I ask myself?

No lettuce anywhere in this list, I notice.

I have in fact now consumed the aforementioned Grouse of much fame, found it very mellow and delicious.

Lettuce can be a challenge

Post 9083

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Considering that bunnies are very tasty to a lot of predators, I'm surprised that our local preds allow so many of them to run around unmolested here. smiley - huh

Lettuce can be a challenge

Post 9084


Salt on the lettuce?? Interesting.

I do love a good French dressing on lettuce, there's no doubt.

Lettuce can be a challenge

Post 9085



(tries to figure out the paul cryptic statement concerning predators and tasty bunnies) Leave it with me, I'll see the light smiley - eureka by the light of night.

Sharpness and Focus

Post 9086


Ah yes! she replies confidently, having survived seeing her words of wisdom cut n' pasted to greet her again, (as the Past slinks around in the dimly lit corners of her brain, waiting to scare her with ghostly gulls and aerosol cobwebs.)

Now where did that come from?? Aerosol cobwebs? I've never thought about aerosol cobwebs. I rather like them. I shall think about them more often. Maybe even get some to spray around. I'm assuming you can get aerosol cobwebs.

I blame FWR and Mister D for the ghostly gulls. smiley - rofl

smiley - stiffdrink

Seriously though, I've been considering yesterday's thoughts to do with comments, and today I'm feeling even more sharp and focused. smiley - rofl Rather inspired in fact. I like addressing discipline, it shapes and rearranges me and makes my eyes go swirly spiral.

What I've realised is that it has shown how much I really reeeely care about h2g2, awwww smiley - love, but I do.

And the spaces on the site which encourage the flowering of creativity are very important to me, and must be protected and nurtured.

And so if welcoming contributors in the Post, and offering my insights from my heart is a tiny way I can sometimes do my bit, then that's OK by me.

I need a lettuce sandwich.

Sharpness and Focus

Post 9087

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

And a smiley - hug. Which you deserve for caring. smiley - hug Two, in fact.

Sleeping Lions....

Post 9088

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Also, a video with a sleeping lion. (I 'borrowed' yours, FWR, hope that's all right?)

Well, you wanted 'bendy fingers'. smiley - winkeye

Sharpness and Focus

Post 9089

Phred Firecloud

Very lovely music...

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9090


Itsa DG vid! Itsa DG vid! Itsa DG bendy bendy vid!

Translation. It's a DG video! With a seriously bendy keyboard.

Very wonderful to see the SBK. The Seriously Bendy Keyboard. Yes, fine tune, I was just singing along. smiley - musicalnote In the jungle, the mighty jungle ... smiley - musicalnote

smiley - stiffdrink

You're all doing great stuff in that video workshop!! I'll slip a crate of Verner's ginger ale through the door from time to time, if you preview crocs, gulls, bunnies, trucks, stop signs, moons, tunes, runes, cloudscapes, ghostlight nightlight, cormoranhingas, neon avenues, galleon ships, Mrs Mulberry's wedding hat, Chippeeeeee and other things. smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

You'll return the Verner's? Cor honestly, artistes. Next you'll be asking me about Mrs Mulberry's wedding hat. A question for which I am naturally lacking an answer.

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9091

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Aw, and here I was, thinking we could write a poem about Mrs Mulberry's Wedding Hat... smiley - rofl

Thanks, glad y'all liked it.

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9092

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Aw, and here I was, thinking we could write a poem about Mrs Mulberry's Wedding Hat" [Dmitri]

Speaking of mulberries, I picked some ripe mulberries from my neighbor's tree today and snacked on them. smiley - drool

They're the purple mulberries, not the white ones.

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9093


Only on here could you get a sentence like, I've borrowed your sleeping lion, hope that's alright?

Yeah just feed him and leave him on the porch when you're done mate!

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9094

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - snorksmiley - ok

Great video! Am I right in thinking you made excellent use of the sustain pedal? The blend of notes in places is my favourite kind of ASMR smiley - magic I love the bendy keyboard, too - fantastic the bit where it turned into squares smiley - geeksmiley - magic

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9095

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, thanks, Sasha! smiley - smiley Yeah, I was fooling around a lot with that sustain pedal. All that bending around got started because I was convinced that staring at somebody's hands playing a song might get, er, boring.

Speaking of boring, and lions on porches...yesterday evening ended in an exciting way. TJ the orange cat was going nuts at my window, so I peeked under the blinds to see if there was a bug there...

There was a chipmunk. Between the glass and the screen. I quickly closed the window.

At first, I thought he must have climbed up and got in from outside, but I couldn't see a hole in the screen and tapping the glass didn't encourage him to leave. I called my brother-in-law.

'What he doing?' he asked.

'Nothing,' I said. 'He's frozen in terror. Can you give me advice?'

He sighed. 'Nope. Just wait, we'll be up in half an hour with a ladder.'

We later figured out that the chipmunk came in when I opened the garage door for a couple of minutes, then followed me inside, the little rat. We also figured the cat chased him, he saw waning daylight and trees out the window and made a stymied bid for freedom.

Anyway, he was liberated, dashed away to his hidey-hole, and hopefully will 'tell all the other chipmunks about his terrible adventure,' according to Elektra.

My nephew and great-niece spotted a fox across the street, so it wasn't a wasted trip, in their opinion.

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9096

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Might the fox have been interested in the chipmunk? smiley - huh

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9097

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Nah. The chipmunk was upstairs, stuck in a window. It was dark by then, all the other chipmunks were in bed. The fox was just prowling.

Every kind of wildlife comes prowling on our street. I told my nephew we were taking the feeders in at night because of the bear - he's turned our feeder over twice, and he stole our neighbour's wicker bear, and he poops in our yard.

My nephew said, 'Oh, they don't come every night, and they won't do much damage.'

This is how much the roving wildlife worries people here. smiley - laugh

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9098

SashaQ - happysad

Wow! "will 'tell all the other chipmunks about his terrible adventure,'" indeed... Cheeky thing, following you indoors to where the food comes from, but glad it was able to be liberated without too much trouble.

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9099

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Yeah, Sasha - fortunately, the relatives don't mind (much) driving half an hour each way and teetering on a ladder wrestling with a balky screen...they're heroes!

As my BIL said when I called apologetically, 'It is what it is.'

Sleeping Lions and the SBK

Post 9100


Evening all!

heheh. Yes, only on h2g2 indeed, just borrowed yer sleeping lion for a bit. smiley - rofl

What do mulberries taste like?

What?? A chipmunk in the house? Is this a bit like being trapped in with a squirrel or a rat? Or a mix of the two?

I remember squirrels in the chimney, from childhood. Quite scary, because they scrape and rustle and move about quite fast.

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