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Daydream Journal

Post 4261


The music of honeysuckle would have the hum of bees and the flutter of butterflies in it. smiley - musicalnotesmiley - orangebutterfly

Daydream Journal

Post 4262


Yes! It would. That's wonderful. smiley - orangebutterflysmiley - orangebutterfly

Daydream Journal

Post 4263


Music of the butterfly wing. smiley - orangebutterfly A delicate flutter. smiley - musicalnote

Daydream Journal

Post 4264

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Music of honeysuckle?


Or Willie, if you prefer:

Daydream Journal

Post 4265

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Or this one, which mentions honeysuckle:

Daydream Journal

Post 4266


heheh. Love it. smiley - rofl. Good old Hoagy.

I love it that it doesn't mention honeysuckle. Cryptic. Atmospheric. Suggestive.

smiley - coffee

So Philae seems to have woken up.

Is it serious that it tweeted Earth, saying 'Hullo Earth, can you hear me?'

I thought the BBC news were doing some kind of April Fool, but it's not April 1st.

Philae can send tweets? Ah well, good morning then, little probe. Can we tweet you?

smiley - coffee

Next tweet from Philae...

'Hey guys, can I borrow 67p? The price of a coffee here on Comet 67P is 67p (cheap or what? good tourist gimmick) but I'm totally skint.

Daydream Journal

Post 4267

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 4268


I've written my dodgy story - The Major Sees Red on A87855114.

I don't know if you'll want it.

Daydream Journal

Post 4269

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's lovely. smiley - ok Thanks, I got it for next week. smiley - smiley

Daydream Journal

Post 4270


Interesting story, mvp! Scary ending. Yikes, those cameras are everywhere, even in the cheery, peaceful scene in Trafalgar Square. That's very evocative that scene, somehow.

smiley - redwine

Life good. Lovely summer! My sense of smell has returned. I've had this sinusy thing going on for months, blocked nose, and I didn't realise that my sense of smell had been impaired, till it returned. Today I smelt the summer in the city, reminded me of Athens, Greece. Coffee and herbs and onions and tobacco and bells. The smell of bells? Yes, the cathedral bells were ringing and they somehow had a metallic bellsound sound-scent.

Sounds like a perfume. Today I'm wearing metallic bellsound. smiley - rofl

Daydream Journal

Post 4271

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - coolCC, maybe you had an allergy attach from something that is flowering their and it clogged your sinuses. Check out the FP for literary gossip in DG format.

Daydream Journal

Post 4272


CC, if you're wearing metallic bellsound, I'm wearing onion and garlic. I spend so much time chopping and crushing. smiley - chef

Daydream Journal

Post 4273

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

MVP, your cardiovascular system must be in great shape and I'm sure no smiley - vampire would dare attack you!smiley - smiley

Daydream Journal

Post 4274


smiley - rofl MVP the Vampire hunter! A new persona!

Daydream Journal

Post 4275


heheh. smiley - rofl. I love it.

smiley - vampiresmiley - runsmiley - vampire

Yes, I think it's a kind of a hayfever thing that's blocked my sinuses, or a dust allergy. I've taken to gargling with seasalt and warm water, it's sorting it out, at least keeps it at bay.

I tried some tablets from the pharmacy. However, I only took two of them because they made me feel peculiar, and I kept looking in the mirror and wondering what on earth I should do with my antennae. A Cockroach brown tint would be sooo pretentious Kafka, and lime green would be too low budget sci-fi. My hairdresser said I should tie them into a big loopy bow and add a pink sparkly ribbon. smiley - diva

smiley - mars

That's quite a stupid paragraph, the bit about the antennae. smiley - rofl

We're having a cracking fine summer. Been lurking on the Jurassic coast, and still spending hours in my room, forsaking my laptop for the synth, laying down the tunes of my life story.

Just wrote a piece called Agitated F sharp, Melting to Mellow Muse Mash. Which, in the grand scheme of things isn't a significant contribution to society, but it keeps me happy, and I offer a smile with my new filmstar teeth.

I have a couple of new teeth which look very realistic, but the filmstar bit is exaggeration. heheh.

smiley - coffee

Solstice Greetings!!!! smiley - kisssmiley - vampiresmiley - mars And may the Yuletide be upon us. smiley - holly. Like, soon.

Daydream Journal

Post 4276

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Hey Daydreamers, the new issue of smiley - thepost is up, with another creative amazing image done by our gracious hostess here and a story from MVP as well. Stop over and comment so our contributors feel appreciated!

Daydream Journal

Post 4277


It's a pity we don't do sound here. I'd love to know what Agitated F sharp, Melting to Mellow Muse Mash sounds like. smiley - musicalnote

Daydream Journal

Post 4278


...gaep! ...gasp! 114F/46C today (actually that's somewhat cooler than usual for this time of year) smiley - biggrin...and, at last! The days are getting shorter!smiley - smiley

Daydream Journal

Post 4279


Hello beautiful daydreamers

Hope you all had a wonderful Solstice weekend smiley - magic

Just saying hi, sending love and good wishes and leaving plenty of iced Perculiar smiley - tea

smiley - hug

Daydream Journal

Post 4280

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Hi you all. All you cat lovers will appreciate the following video of a pretty housecat outstaring a big cat through a glass door:

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