This is the Message Centre for Martin Harper

Reasons for leaving

Post 41

a girl called Ben

I won't try to dissuade you, Lucinda, for a whole variety of reasons. Firstly, you have clearly thought about this a lot. Secondly, this is all a month or so after the event anyway. And thirdly, you are still popping up and around to some extent. This is more of a bookmark than anything else. Oh, and grateful thanks for your early contributions to the Short Guide to Short Words.

All the best


Reasons for leaving

Post 42

Martin Harper

I see h2g2 has reduced privacy a little further... Something occurred to me recently - a better way of expressing my distaste for "Who's Online" and public "My Conversations" and such.

It goes like this: I don't mind people knowing *who I am* - that's why I have my work address, email address, and real name on my home space. However, I do mind people /automatically/ knowing *what I'm doing*.

Put it another way, I'd be happy to carry an identity card with me 24/7, but I'd be unhappy to enter "Big Brother" even if I entered it under a pseudonym.


pheloxi - no I don't have media training. To be clearer, I personally think that the current trend towards "less freedom" (as you put it) is a bad thing. That's why I exercised my Right To Leave. But what is my Truth is not necessarilly your Truth - different people have different priorities.

Ben - as I recall my main contribution to the Short Guide was the folk etymology of Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, which was just wrong, but if you remember it differently who am I to disagree?

Oh, and everyone - black h2g2 T-shirt for sale - see my space smiley - smiley


Reasons for leaving

Post 43


You've probably explained it before, but i'll ask again anyway. *Why* don't you like people knowing what you are doing? The old "do you have something to hide?" idea comes to mind. I really do not understand.


Reasons for leaving

Post 44


I understand. It's the same as not telling someone precisely what you're doing in the bathroom, for example.

Well, not really.

- Jordan

Reasons for leaving

Post 45

a girl called Ben

Let's face it, the Short Guide was written almost two years ago now. Your memory is more likely to be better than mine on the subject of exactly what you contributed.


Reasons for leaving

Post 46


The 'Short Guide'?

- Jordan

Reasons for leaving

Post 47


A753527smiley - ok

Reasons for leaving

Post 48

a girl called Ben

And for a history thereof, check out: A688476


Reasons for leaving

Post 49

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Lucinda - <./>Online</.> doesn't tell people what you're doing. It just tells them that you're here. If you don't like that, then I don't get why...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Reasons for leaving

Post 50


'h2g2 isn't like physics - I can observe without changing the observed until I choose to.' - Myself, a few months ago.

No longer. smiley - sadface Unless I log out - which is inconvenient, since I can't even choose to use frames.

- Jordan

Reasons for leaving

Post 51


Nothing major has changed in the last few months. smiley - erm The information availible is the same, there are just different ways of viewing it.


Reasons for leaving

Post 52


The eyes, Tango! Eyes, eyes, everywhere! smiley - bigeyes

It wouldn't be too hard to implement an option to turn the eyes off. I like them, and think they have great utility. However, some people don't want everyone knowing they're online. Why should they? smiley - smiley

- Jordan

Reasons for leaving

Post 53


As I said, the information has been there for ages. The eyes just display the information in a different way. In fact, it's easier to tell by the WO list, because you don't have to find their PS or a post by them.


Reasons for leaving

Post 54


The function of the eyes is very different from that of the 'Who's Online' list. The eyes tell you if an individual poster is around, while the list shows everyone who is online at the moment. Some people just don't want everyone to know when they're online. It's a matter of choice.
An option to disable the eyes wouldn't be difficult to implement.

- Jordan

Reasons for leaving

Post 55


I believe that was my point, the WO list is more useful as everyone is online. You still get the same information, just in an _easier_ way.


Reasons for leaving

Post 56

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

The eyes aren't thread specific. It is the same data from <./>Online</.> - it tells you whether someone is online or not, but not where they are.

Whoami? smiley - cake

Reasons for leaving

Post 57


I never said they were thread specific, but they do convey different data. A list of people who are online is very different from a pair of eyes to show you if an individual is online. Surely you can appreciate?

And probably, some people find the list thingy a bit annoying too.

- JOrdan

Reasons for leaving

Post 58

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - erm I don't follow how a name in a list or a symbol next to a name makes a big difference, but it is clear that you don't like the eyes and that's fine too. smiley - smileysmiley - cake

Reasons for leaving

Post 59


Yes, they do show different information. The WO list shows _more_. The information about individuals is the same. If you don't like the eyes, you should dislike the WO list more.


Reasons for leaving

Post 60


No, because the list and the eyes have entirely different purposes and are called in different ways.

If someone looks at a conversation forum, they automatically know if the posters are online. The list is something you invoke manually, which is quite different. You're not broadcasting your status to everyone, just anyone concerned enough to check. Actually, I love the lists.

Though I think the 'last posted' is a good idea.

- Jordan

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