This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 10221

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - grrit's the last "Ashes to Ashes" tonightsmiley - wah
What happened to Torchwood this week?smiley - erm
Anything good on YouTube?


~drool~ thread

Post 10222

Sho - employed again!

smiley - wah

I've given up on Torchwood. Shame really, but it is getting boring.

smiley - tardis is back soon, isn't it?

~drool~ thread

Post 10223

Cheerful Dragon

Last week the Beeb, in their infinite wisdom, moved Torchwood from Wednesday to Friday. This 'Wednesday's' 9pm BBC2 episode was shown on Good Friday. Hubby and I had to catch the 7pm editted version on Wednesday. 9pm on Friday is NCIS time, and nothing comes between us and our weekly fix. So we'll have to download Friday's episode from the iPlayer site - or put up with the editted version again.

~drool~ thread

Post 10224

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - grr

Ashes to Ashes was smiley - brokenheart
smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 10225

Sho - employed again!

how yummy is Agent Gibbs smiley - drool

I have officially stopped watching Torchwood, which is a relief.

Ashes to Ashes... well, a bit smiley - erm - I was disappointed to hear there will be a new series. i was hoping that it would go out with a bang.

Stil, Philips Glennister as the Gene Genie - that IS something to look forward to!

~drool~ thread

Post 10226

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Torchwood tonightsmiley - ok(sorry Sho!) Yes, I've seen the new Doctor Who ad; what's with that giantsmiley - monster wasp?smiley - yikes

Another series of Ashes to Ashes?smiley - wow

smiley - wow

smiley - ok

~drool~ thread

Post 10227

Sho - employed again!

did you see the smiley - tardis ad after Ashes to Ashes last night? smiley - cool

~drool~ thread

Post 10228

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yepsmiley - ok

~drool~ thread

Post 10229


smiley - rose Squirrel pops in! smiley - hug

~drool~ thread

Post 10230

Sho - employed again!

phwoar! Lee Mead on Something for the Weekend. He's going to cook too.
smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 10231

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - runlast Torchwood tonightsmiley - wah

New Doctor Who tomorrowsmiley - magic

smiley - boing

*waves to Squirrel* and welcomesmiley - teasmiley - caketell us your drools!smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 10232

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - run

*smiley - wah on Sho's shoulder*
smiley - brokenheartTorchwood was smiley - bluesmiley - wah
Captain John was...Captain Jack criedsmiley - wahGwen smiley - wah Toshsmiley - wahOwensmiley - wahsmiley - wah


If you can tune into BBC1 at 10.30 smiley - cry David Tennant's onsmiley - cryand John Hurt..

smiley - wah

~drool~ thread

Post 10233

Sho - employed again!

Tell you what, I had given up on Torchwood, but I watched last night because of Jamessmiley - vampireMarsters. smiley - drool (he still has incredible cheekbones, but his accent was well dodgy)

And John Barrowman doing emotion smiley - drool

And when that thing happened with Tosh smiley - wah
blimey, brilliant acting!

David Tenant was cute but the interview was rubbish. Catherine Tate annoys me but blimey, what flippin' gorgeous hair she has!!

John Hurt - how great was he? And the Naked Civil Servant is on BBC4 today, so hopefully I can fit that in.

smiley - hugAnnie. smiley - tardis today, that will make everything ok.

~drool~ thread

Post 10234

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I agree, Tosh was brill. As was Gwen *real tears* and John Barrowman's face crumpling as Tosh died was just *sigh* I was already filling up but that just smiley - brokenheart

I am almost scared to drool over John Hurt. Did you hear his mention (early on) about his brother who is a monk and his father who was a clergyman? That's my claim to fame, The Rev A A Hurt was Vicar of Cleethorpes, in 1955. The man who fathered John Hurt held me in his arms in July 1955 and christened me into his church. I still have the Christening certificate signed by him, and I love that John talks about his Dad, and glad Wossy last night made such a big deal of his voice because it's one of the best male voices I love to listen to. Oh and that clip of Elephant Man was smiley - brokenheart and Wossy surprised me again by saying he can't bear to watch that film because it's so harrowing. I have tried to write about that and not succeeded yet. I watched Naked Civil Servant when it first aired and it just proves John's range, hard to believe that's him with pink hairsmiley - laugh

smiley - tardisDoctor Whosmiley - droolcan't waitsmiley - ok

~drool~ thread

Post 10235

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Oh thanks a lot GB, you've just ruined the ending for me, Thanks a bunch smiley - grr

~drool~ thread

Post 10236

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - grr
There's no such thing as spoilers after the event!

Why don't you watch it when it's on, instead of bitching to people who do?

Or just not read here until you have?

smiley - steam

~drool~ thread

Post 10237

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Some of us have to work at night and have family obligations on a saturday morning. A little warning about Spoilers for those who might not have seen it yet.

And as I'm not welcome here anymore I'll say farewell

~drool~ thread

Post 10238


Messed up the ending for me a bit there too. Just got back from my holidays and haven't watched any of the stuff I'd taped whilst I was away! Ho-hum.

~drool~ thread

Post 10239


Time for smiley - tea I think, girls.

~drool~ thread

Post 10240

Sho - employed again!

oh yes
smiley - tea and smiley - cake

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