This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 3141

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

The meet??
smiley - headhurts
Ask me again when I've recovered from my hangover..... smiley - yuk
smiley - winkeye

The British Museum was fab smiley - ok, and then it's all a bit of a blur after that. smiley - erm There were some people, then they went somewhere else, leaving me some other people smiley - erm that I think were Mina, BluesShark, AGB, EV and Coelacanth.
I remember that I had a lot of smiley - stiffdrink and ended up quoting from "Withnail and I" rather a lot at quite a high volume. smiley - blush
So all in all, a top night! smiley - biggrin
Oh and of course GB is lovely... smiley - smooch

So maybe I should invite Orlando Bloom to the costume ball part of my wedding, seeing as he has a hedonistic spirit! Anyone got a contact number for him?? smiley - winkeye

Oh Sho! I've just found out that Patrick Stewart is going to be appearing in a play in Bath soon...

~drool~ thread

Post 3142


Bath is usually on the same circuit as Guildford, I had better go and check the Yvonne Arnaud site.

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to get up to the meet, there just wasn't time yesterday in the end smiley - sadface

~drool~ thread

Post 3143

Sho - employed again!

will you go to see it? It's times like this that I really miss living in the UK. smiley - sadface

There was a picture of an Elf-style wedding on The One Ring webbie, but I can't find the link. Apparently the bride had worked on the film. The guests could either dress up before, or get ears and make-up when they got there. It looked quite nice.

Withnail and I is yet something else with which I'm not familiar. Is it a film? Book?

here, have some Plink-Plink-Fizz for the hangover. And I'll dig out the webbie with Orlando Bloom's address for sending your wedding invitation...

~drool~ thread

Post 3144

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

It's a shame that you couldn't make it Caerwynn. smiley - sadface I could have bored you silly too with talking about my wedding plans! smiley - blush

That Elf style wedding sounds fab Sho. An ex of mine is going to come to my party as Legolas, so I'll be sure to take some piccies and mail them to you! smiley - winkeye

My honey said that he was going to book tickets for "The Master Builder" today, so

"Withnail and I" is a film with Richard E Grant and Paul McGann. It's probably best described as a 'cult' film set at the end of the 60's about two struggling actors who decide to flee their drug and booze addled student-esque lifestyle and spend a 'delightful week in the country' which then goes horribly and very funnily wrong.

~drool~ thread

Post 3145

Sho - employed again!

that film sounds fab, when I (finally) get a DVD player I'm hoping the local DVD rental place has lots of these films, I've really missed out on a lot of culutre by living here and refusing to watch films in German.

TC (hey, how are you?) how do you cope?

Today I have sort of done the gruesome twosomes' hair like legolas, they're prancing arround pretending to be elves. Quite hilarious since they have ribbons in their hair too.

~drool~ thread

Post 3146

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Withnail and I is a fair few years old now Sho. Got lots of very....*colourful* language (ahem), so be warned! smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 3147


*Pours LSF a fresh smiley - coffee to disperse her hangover*

Seems like you all had fun! smiley - cool

Withnail and I is one of John's favourite films and I think that it's quite good too. smiley - ok He says it's well worth watching...I've been meaning to buy a 2nd hand copy from eBay as there are usually a couple up for auction there...It's not even that expensive to buy new as it's quite an old film now...Bensons have a widescreen version for only £10.99 including postage. I think I've just found a softening my going away to school reunion pressie for John...smiley - bigeyes

Oooo! The England vs Italy rugger match has just started... smiley - drool Lots of muscular men rolling about in mud together... smiley - winkeye As my daughter would say, "It's sooo gay!" smiley - laugh

smiley - yikes Argh! My husband's trying to poison me! He's just made me a smiley - coffee but accidentally poured some tea in it first! smiley - ill

'Scuse me while I smiley - run to vomit! smiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 3148

Sho - employed again!

smiley - coffee for everyone: I'm making café latte macchiato for the ol' man (with my Aerolatte that he bought me for crimbo)

Yep, rugby is soooo gay... not! Get a grip of your daughter!

smiley - donut anyone?

~drool~ thread

Post 3149

Sho - employed again!

btw, Gwennie, knowing me as you do and knowing what my former profession was (2nd oldest profession smiley - winkeye ) surely you don't think that a bit of colourful language would put me off?

~drool~ thread

Post 3150


LOL! smiley - laugh

Sho, I've passed your message on to Mair who says that her German teacher recently good-naturedly told her for saying that Legolas is gay during the lesson when they had to discuss their favourite films in the German language. Apparently her teacher is also a Legolas fan... smiley - biggrin

I'll pass on the smiley - donut offer thanks. smiley - biggrin I have to watch my waistline so I can squeeze into my gym gear! Not really - my gym one of those lovely gyms where nobody poses and most people tend to wear baggies, even the middle-aged and overweight ladies! smiley - cool

I've just shown those Secret Diaries to Mair who by the way, is still in fits of giggles smiley - laugh and she says that they prove her point about Legolas being gay! smiley - tongueout

~drool~ thread

Post 3151


I'd have thought you'd rather enjoy colourful language Sho, especially as part of...No I won't go there on hootoo! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 3152

Sho - employed again!

So, what film did she discuss in German?

If she wants to be really cool, tell her to discuss Der Bewegte Mann... I'll help her out there if she likes with plots & stuff.

~drool~ thread

Post 3153


Mair discussed LotR, which happens to be her favourite film, even if the main and most drool-worthy characters are either gay or resemble old tramps! smiley - elfsmiley - wizard

I'll pass the message on about Der Bewegte Mann and your kind offer of help and will send you an Email... smiley - ta

Mair got a B in her German GCSE mock, which isn't bad as she's only been studying it for two years as a second language. smiley - bigeyes Unfortunately she had to study Spanish as her first language from her first year at secondary school due to being absent during language selections.

~drool~ thread

Post 3154

Sho - employed again!

Wow, good for her. Listen, if she wants a magazine or something, let me know and I'll find something for her to read (she'll have to let me know what kind of subject, or I'll send the German equivalent of Jackie...)

She'll like Der Bewegte Mann... the lead is fairly scrummy (Till Schweiger if anyone knoes him) who is going through some kind of "I think I may be gay but I'm not sure" crisis, and his best friend - who is gay, fancies him. Ah yes, she'll love it!

As for the main characters in LOTR being gay... see Prophet's earlier comments about Frodo/Sam, Aragorn and Boromir are manly men, as for Legolas... according to what Tolkien had to say about elf-sex it was most unusual, if not totally unheard of, for elves to indulge in interspiecies sex (a blow for all of us mortal women) but I reckon that he and Gimli the dwarf were at it like mink.

But that's just me. I think I'm pre-menopausal, the hormones are playing havoc with me.

~drool~ thread

Post 3155


Me too - the hormonally challenged menopausal thingee that is! smiley - cdouble

It has never occurred to me that any of the LotR characters had "gay leanings" until the topic was raised here, but then again I was/still am far too absorbed in Aragorn (and the adventure of course!). When I first read the book at the tender age of 14, gay just meant that something was rather jolly! smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 3156


Gay is another word for sad in student-speak, the opposite to its original meeting.

I'm peri-menopausal, hence the HRT. Trying a different flavour for the next 3 months as the last one suddenly decided not to work.

~drool~ thread

Post 3157

Sho - employed again!

peri-menopausal? what's that?

When I first read the books, I never thought anything of it, although I loved the whole Legolas/Gimli thing, since we were growing up in the age of Apartheid and so on, I just thought it was a good example of not letting anything like appearance get in the way of a deep, meaningful friendship.

However, since getting back off holiday, I've found so much slashfic that it's difficult to separate it from reality, and yet, I can't stop reading the stuff (pervy elf/hobbit/man/dwarf fancier that I am)

As for Aragorn - I've always imagined him something like he is in the films, I was really really happy to see him on screen like that, because of course, I'm terminally in love with the romance of him.

I can't keep up with student speak, it changes too quickly for me. It's not that long since "pants" meant liar (as in "pants on fire")

~drool~ thread

Post 3158


Peri-menopause is when you start having symptoms eg hot flushes, but still have regular periods. Some women just take the pill, but it has a much higher level of hormones than HRT.

~drool~ thread

Post 3159

Sho - employed again!

Ah, I don't think I have that. I think I'm just terminally letcherous!

~drool~ thread

Post 3160


Mair said yes please to the magazines/comics/whatever Sho, as long as it's not too much trouble for you to send them. smiley - bigeyes

I thought that peri-menopausal meant the bit just before the menopause starts, which I suppose at age 45 is where I am although I'm still regular as clockwork at the moment.

No doubt I have learning "student speak" to look forward to, what with Mair planning on going to university. smiley - laugh As it is I have trouble keeping up with her written Internet abbreviations/slang, which I try to avoid whenever possible, me being such a fuddy-duddy an' all that... smiley - winkeye

I was in love with Aragorn at age 14 when I first read the LotR and roughly 35 years later, still am. smiley - loveblush When I first saw the film and Strider in the Prancing Pony, I very nearly leapt from my seat and plastered myself to the cinema screen! smiley - drool

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