
OK, it said to write something here so everyone could know stuff about me. Firstly, I must take the time to point out that any mistakes, speling, punctuation. or gramatical is not my own fault as I am currently studying Maths at the University of Warwick and they do not teach us how to use the English language so I have to rely on my GCSE skills.

Fine, so you now know what I am doing - spending lots of tax-payers money (and a lot more of my own, I may add) trying to stay awake whilst people talk at me about stuff like 'why this infinity is bigger than that infinity' or 'if i write these random Greek letters then you WILL understand and WON'T ask me any difficult questions at the end of the lecture'.

Now a bit about myself, I suppose. Born in Birmingham, England on 25th January 1981, I attended Minworth Village School until the age of 11 when I progressed to Bishop Vesey's Grammar School and then on to study at Warwick. Really gripping stuff this.

At the moment have a fantastic girlfriend called Vicki who is here doing Physics (which is really Maths for any of you thinking of studying it). We have exams in about a week (or now, or a week ago depending on how long it takes me to update this) but after that I have two weeks of completely free internet access so expect lots of fairly random, meaningless postings.

Hobbies next I suppose. Reading (yes, even though I'm a Maths student), especially SFand Fantasy, also humour, especially stuff like Bill Bryson. Snooker, pool, any other game with a table, balls and a piece of tree with a pointy end. Walking, running, generally moving in any way possible which doesn't make you look too silly. Also like RPG's and stuff like that but don't get a lot of time for it at Uni.

Don't really know what else to say - I'll go and read other people's, have a think and get back to you,

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Hi there! May 22, 2000


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