This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 21

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Garius? What are you the answer to, exactly?

And UH, in response to what you said over in the Illusion Hall forum, I don't mean to be crude, but... Sherlock Holmes could kick Batman's caped butt any day.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 22

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Cough, cough, well, stylistically *could* mean doing things in a stylistic way i.e. adapting things to your own style. ? Ho hum, well I'm glad everyone's happy(er) smiley - smiley

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 23

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Sherlock Holmes would never be beligerent. He was always too doped up for that.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 24

Garius Lupus

On my home page you can find out what I am the answer to smiley - biggrin

Or, to save you the trouble, I'll tell you here. I am the answer to life, the universe and everything. And will be for the next year or so. You see, I just had a birthday and during the next year, I will be 42.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 25

Uncle Heavy [sic]


I'm just about to have a birthday, and I'll be seventeen... I had you placed as around twenty!

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 26

Garius Lupus

Guess I'm young for my age smiley - winkeye And actually, I think the majority of h2g2ites are younger than 20, so it wasn't a bad guess. Still, there are lots of us venerable ones on h2g2, too. For instance, Lil and Witty are both, um, older than 20 smiley - biggrin, but the rest of the guests at Lord Reflection's are younger, I think (I'm not positive about a few of them, but I'm pretty sure).

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 27

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I'm pretty sure im the youngest there. UM what about Affi? you are friends irl, aren't you?

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 28

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

No one is friends with Affy IRL -- he refuses to state his real name or what state he lives in to anyone online. As to Sherlock being drugged -- he only used coke when he wasn't on a case. He got so bored he turned to drugs. When on a case he was always sobre, and a trained boxer. He's been known to bend iron bars with his bare hands.... but here's what he'd do, if he had a grudge against Batman:

He would interview various people in Gotham city, including villains, news reporters, and anyone who had any connection with Batman. He would, at some point interview Bruce Wayne. He would notice that Bruce had callouses in keeping with Batman's outfit and activity. He'd also be able to detect all the secret passages in Wayne Manor, and he'd notice that Bruce Wayne's mouth was identical to Batman's. He would deduce that Bruce was Batman, and during the five minutes or so that Bruce must sleep -- everyone's gotta sleep -- he'd handcuff him, and then settle whatever grudge they had.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 29

Uncle Heavy [sic]

That's rather ungentlemanly. And Albert would beat seven shades of something out of the guy.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 30

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Do you mean Alfred? I had forgotten Alfred. He'd be rather difficult to deal with. Sometimes I get the feeling that he's the REAL brains behind the whole operation.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 31

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Yeah. Alfred would have him as well. But Al;bert. He's one hard guy. Ooh. You better watch out for him. Etc.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 32

Garius Lupus

Affy and I are indeed friends, but have never met IRL and I don't know his real name. It's become a bit of a joke between us, actually, with me building a dossier on him full of any stray facts he may let slip. Right now the dossier is pretty slim. I do know, however, that he is roughly your age, give or take a year. smiley - smiley

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 33

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Aha. As I suspected. And I would surmise that he is a one-legged dockworker who chews mustard seeds. He has a tattoo of a rose on his left forearm, which he got during his fifteen year stint in the navy. He is much travelled, and plays the tennor saxophone in a jazz band somewhere in Michigan. His favourite food is letuece, and he prefers orange to purple. He has a younger sister who has emigrated to switzerland. He cannot stand the sight of sheep.

Elementary my dear Lupus.

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