This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Uncle Heavy, I'm posting this here because I don't want to make you feel bad in front of the entire Hangar Infinity forum. But your gloating is kind of killing the fun for some of us. It's not really a competition. It's a story being orgainized by Afgncaap5. Since he's also KL, this whole legal battle was his idea. He knew (and told me, off site) that the heros would win from the beginning. He planned it that way, one small victory for STUMPED, and a legal victory for CHOPPERS.

I don't want to chastise you, but your "I'M RIGHT!!! WE'LL WIN!!!!" post was a bit much. The only thing to be taken seriously in those threads is that everyone involved has fun. You're taking the arguments too seriously. Take a moment to reflect: even if you do lose, what do you lose? Nothing.

I know this post is really sudden, but it's sort of been growing on me for a while. It's probably compounded by the fact Peet just blatantly violated continuity at my expense in the Raven/Mangar thread. Oh well. Talk to you later.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Red. I understand what you say, but I'm not taking it seriously. It's a joke. I'm just kind of, you know exiteable. Thats just my exuberance, rather than competativeness. I know its a game, but if you think I'm a bit much, then I'll certainly tone it down. I understand about Affy and KL being the same and i know he's driving it, but it's kind of nice to adlib. If he's annoyed, well apologise to him from me.

Was it just you who noticed, or him as well?

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 3

Garius Lupus

Personally, I didn't mind UH's comments and I don't think Affy would either. It was just hyperbole. Nothing wrong with being a little "over-the-top" now and then. Generally, I have found UH to be one of the more continuity-conscious superguys, so I wouldn't want to discourage him. And Peet, too, is one of the better contributors, although he is fairly new to the dramatic side of h2g2 (I fixed his faux pas, by the way). There are others more worthy of chastisement, although that may be just my own biases. What really gets under MY skin is when people either solve problems in a single post - problems that had been carefully prepared, or people who make themselves omnipotent with invincible equipment. The first of those is usually commited by someone trying to boost his ego by showing how he can handle anything, even if it does mean a boring plot to the story. The second is committed by someone who already has a whopping ego and likes to flaunt his superiority. I have spouted off about the first kind several times before, and have given up on some threads because of it. The second kind is trickier, since it is only one individual. Anyway, UH is not guilty of either of those sins, and it's good to have him around to counterbalance those that do.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I'm topuched that you say that GL. Thank you.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 5

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Actually, UH is on my top five list of heros, too. That's why I posted here, not in the other forum. I think maybe I over reacted. It's just that there's been SO MUCH arguing in that forum, and really, I'm a non-competitive guy. That's why I've set myself up as a villain. Losing is easier to take when you're doing it deliberately smiley - winkeye

I think it was the whole thing with Guischild refusing to admit his continuity faux pas over and over, then (as Garius mentioned) Peet's one-post continuity-destroying solution in the dogfight scene.

GL, I still have trouble thinking of you as a hero. Unlike Affy/KL, your hero/villain personas are both... you. I don't know that anyone could get me mixed with Irving, though. By the way, he's been absent from the site for a while. I'm thinking of coming up with an explaination that will lead to. . . an adventure!

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I'll speak to Giguschild. He's a friend of mine, and I'll explain the problem to him

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 7

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

By the way, GL, thanks for clearing off Peets's screen smiley - winkeye

I was a little dissappointed yesterday. No halloween smilies this year?

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 8

Garius Lupus

Oooh, were there hallowe'een decorations last year? I got on h2g2 in November last year, so I missed them - I only saw the christmas ones.

Aha! Now I know who is staging the mystery! I thought it was Lil at first, since she is one of the only ones who would know about Mike A. But now that you mentioned the "Adventure", I realized that you also would know about Mike A. The previous "Prospero" id also fits (I did some sleuthing smiley - smiley ). The ground rules look good, and hopefully everyone will abide by them. I noticed that some of the usual offenders weren't invited smiley - winkeye . In fact, most of those who you invited almost don't need the rules, but it's good to state them anyway. BTW, I won't give away what I have guessed here.

It's hard for me to think of myself as a good guy too. In real life, I have little patience for arbitrary rules and unearned authority, although I am an honest person with lots of integrity (modest, too smiley - smiley). Thus, I seem to naturally gravitate to the STUMPED side but BBW isn't as well established as GL is. I must take him out more.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 9

Uncle Heavy [sic]

You would have to go and ruin it all, wouldnt you. Hohum. It could be lil, cos she knows me and mew, but no other stumped members were invited.

But lets not go on about that.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 10

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

The left side of my screen says that UH replied to what you just said, but the right side refuses to tell me what he said! He probably said what I'm about to say:

You say you won't tell anyone, but you just told Uncle Heavy.

That's alright, I trust you two. Just don't tell anyone else, and next time you discover my ID -- eMail me. Prospero was something I created for a masqued ball elsewhere that I missed, apparently. He came in handy.

Okay, since you two both know who Lord Reflection is, I'll tell you some more about the game. Everyone dies. That's what the androids are for, GL. Everyone is going to have their own private rooms where they get private messages from their host. For example, GL may get a message that says "I am going to ask you to disappear. You will be relpaced by an android, who you can control. Someone will try to kill this robot. Let it happen. You will recieve further instructions later". At the same time the BBW will recieve a letter, and a knife. The letter will read: " Kill Garius Lupus. Use this weapon".

In the end, either a hero gets to discover Lord Reflection's killer, the mastermind behind the whole thing (that'd be me), or everyone but Red dies.

By the way, I'm not the Curry Delivery Boy. Though I am in contact with him.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 11

Garius Lupus

Sorry about giving it away, Red. As I was hitting the post button, I thought: "Maybe I should email this" but by then it was too late. It's a great idea, by the way. One question: when someone kills an android, do they realize it is an android?

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 12

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Well, in accordance with the ground rules... the killer can only say "BBW brings the knife down towards GL's back". You would then post: "The knife connects, and BBW gets a brief shock of electricity. The android replacement of GL slumps over, 'dead'" or something like that smiley - winkeye

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 13

Uncle Heavy [sic]

The plot thickens...

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 14

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Seeing as this is neutral ground, I feel I should explain/apologise for my actions. What I said in the courthouse was genuinely true: at the time I rejoined h2g2, this practise in continuity was not widely observed, or at least it seemed to me to be that way. It's quite possible that I was just not being careful any case, I'm sorry if I upset you all.

If it was me you were referring to earlier, then, well, I'm sorry about that too, but; there is something else I should say, and UH can back me up on it. I am a big fan of Xenomorphs. And I mean a BIG fan. I'm an artistic sorta guy, and when I saw the film a while ago it struck a huge chord in me, one that led me to become fairly obsessed with Aliens. It's kind of worn off a bit now from being a fervour, but it honestly hadn't occured to me when I first 'became' the Xenomorph on h2g2 that an Alien would be much short, I guess. It getting beaten was not something I had really thought about. I wouldn't say I was egotistical or insecure...then again, I probably wouldn't even if I was, so I suppose you should ignore that. So..uh...dah...oh...great. Now I've confused myself. Well, think what you will, I suppose. But I *will* act more continuitily. Continuitively. get the idea.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 15

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I've blown off all my steam, Giguschild (hey, I think I spelled it right that time!). It helps that I've created a new identity. Sometimes even I take this site too seriously. I think that the main rule of continuity is: Have fun, but make sure everyone else gets to have fun, too. I think that by now you can see where some people may not have fun when other people decide to blow them up, and things like that.

Honestly, when KL decided to press the continuity charge, I think he expected you to just sort of say "Oh, alright, maybe I shouldn't have done that" and get on with it. Guess what? You're aren't predictable that way! So you argued, which got everyone arguing, and when that happens... people start taking things too seriously. Which I think I was guilty of there. It's all over now (isn't it? I haven't been in the courthouse in a while. Has STUMPED lost yet?).

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 16

Uncle Heavy [sic]

No. But we are SO GOING TO WIN! CURSE YOU. Ahem.

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 17

Garius Lupus

No, Giguschild, it wasn't you I was referring to earlier. In the places where I have been with you, I can't remember having any problem with your posts. The one that was on trial was a relatively minor one, in my opinion, and was cited more for effect than anything else (like the curry charge).

And yes, WE WON, WE WON!!!!!

Neutral Ground: Please Read

Post 18

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X


I love being the villain. It's no longer whether you win or loose, but how stylistically you do it. Is "stylistically" even a word?

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Post 19

Uncle Heavy [sic]

I think you meant stylishly

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Post 20

Garius Lupus

Unless he meant, "in the manner of the Stylistics" (you know, that old singing group). Seems to me they used to do some fancy synchronized dancing.

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