This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Much ado about London

Post 21

aka Bel - A87832164

I'll be a tourist there - just like in small London. smiley - rofl

Much ado about London

Post 22

A Super Furry Animal

Ooh, Heidelberg! I think I'd like to come to that...

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Much ado about London

Post 23

Sho - employed again!

you'd better, you know you're really a German researcher currently displaced.

I've been there once on a "works do" (so I'll have to wear a disguise in case any locals remember the Invasion of 10 Koreans and Two Very Nice Western Ladies

Much ado about London

Post 24

A Super Furry Animal

With an invitation like that, how could I possibly refuse?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Much ado about London

Post 25

Sho - employed again!

I have to go. We're getting dangerously close to the chocolate body painted murial...
smiley - run

Much ado about London

Post 26

You can call me TC

We should go to the chocolate museum in Cologne for that.

Much ado about London

Post 27

You can call me TC

*packs brushes and smiley - towel*

Much ado about London

Post 28

Sho - employed again!

oh yes, there is a great variety of chocolate body paint in the chocolate museum

which reminds me... *checks calendar*

smiley - magicSaturday is Shopping For Shoes in Cologne day smiley - boing

Much ado about London

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

There's a chocolate museum in Cologne??
smiley - drool

A good selection of smiley - chocbody paint??
smiley - yikes

smiley - bigeyes

Much ado about London

Post 30

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Meet pictures via Titania: F45492?thread=4114863&post=48223322#p48223322

Much ado about London

Post 31

Sho - employed again!

the chocolate museum in Cologne is fairly small, but interesting. And it has the most fantastic shop - and you don't have to pay museum entry to get into it smiley - magic

smiley - run to check out the photos

Much ado about London

Post 32

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i could never establish a smiley - choc museum

smiley - pirate

Much ado about London

Post 33

A Super Furry Animal

You'd keep eating all the exhibits, presumably?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Much ado about London

Post 34

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

indeed smiley - ok

Much ado about London

Post 35

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Any badgering of 2legs will be done by me--we've been planning a micromeet for 5 and a half years now!smiley - laugh

*aside--apologies to those annoyed, who don't know that my 'reminding' 2legs of this at any opening is something of a traditionsmiley - winkeye*

Much ado about London

Post 36

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*checks passport* Heidelberg hmmm if that's the only way I'm ever going to meet Sho, then I gotta pull some stringssmiley - run

Much ado about London

Post 37

Sho - employed again!

get on over!
you can fly to Düsseldorf or Bonn and travel down with me smiley - magic

Much ado about London

Post 38

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wowThat's a date!smiley - ok


Much ado about London

Post 39

Sho - employed again!

no idea..

TC, B'El... any dates yet?

Much ado about London

Post 40

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - envy

*transmogrifies into a smiley - mouse and crawls into GB's smiley - handbag*

smiley - evilgrin

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