This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 121

nim the cat (STILL choking in air pollution)

(nim stumbles in, looking as if someone has put her + wings into a washing machine ANd the dryer. bits and pieces of thinred lines are stuck in her fur and wings. she looks ready to spit.)

sorry I'm sooooo late, I saw you and the GA in the busy forums yesterday, but the ##@*&#*** connection broke so much that I only got to upgrade my page - after 3 hours of dialing.

(Takes deep breath - and presents a bunch of roses from her mother's garden) congrats and etc. Y'know, when we first met at the friendship forum, I did think that you were born to h2g2 smiley - winkeye

What happened to MK? Not that it isn't a definite improvement smiley - smiley but can someone give me the thread to it?

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 122

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Awww Nim!
*accepts roses, puts them in a vase of water.
*hugs nim & starts brushing & fluffing her wings*
M.K* hanged himself 'cos he didn't "get any" before my forum on celibacy reached post 1,000; but don't tell anybody else, OK?

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 123

Matthew Kershaw

I heard that !!! smiley - winkeye

Well you look nice tonight Nim... smiley - smiley

The Late M.KÝ

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 124

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*links arms with M.K*
Come along now, you're frightening my guests!
Let's go off into this quiet corner & I'll see if I can do something about those scars...smiley - winkeye

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 125

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner, finally finding time to stay*

Hi all!smiley - smiley

*interestedly watching GB disappear together with strange-looking creature*

*wondering if it might be a MYTHICAL creature, being the Patron Saint of Mythical Characters*

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 126

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Congratulations Galaxy Babe!

I've never been to an Archangel Party before, and I had no idea what to bring as a gift. I hope you like this.

/* Hands Galaxy Babe an intricately-carved Aeolian harp */

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 127

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, d'Elaphant!
*wiping away a tear*
It's such a Heavenly gift!!!
I never saw something so beaufiful before!
Thank you soooo much!
I call upon your services of Herald of Heaven, to come & give this new Archangel a hug...smiley - smiley

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 128

ibchristine......missing in action........

hmm.....congrats are in order.....wish i knew everyone a lil better.....i dint have much here so i brought a bag o Ju Ju bees...perhaps i might just go to the kitchen and see is there a bowl i can put them in.....smiley - smiley

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 129

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Ooh, thanks!smiley - tongueout
Don't worry about not knowing everybody, just mingle & say hi!
They're a friendly lot, I promise!!smiley - smiley
*fetches a dish*
Look everybody!
ibchristine has brought Ju Ju bees!smiley - bigeyes
Tuck in!!!!smiley - winkeye

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 130

Hugo the Fish

smiley - fish ..oOO..OOO..oOO.!!!
smiley - fish ..OoOo..oO..Oo....OoOO..OOO..ooO....Ooo..oOo..oo..Oo..OoO..
..O..oooo..o..OO.?...smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 131


*Passes Hugo a Ju Ju bean.*

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 132

ibchristine......missing in action........

oh yes im sure fish like them........
this is a little off the subject....but.......galaxy you play canasta?

i know its a little strange question......

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 133

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

Hi! I just heard the news. Archangel! Of course, as you have always been the kindest of angels - now you're the kindest of Archangels! Happy days for Heaven and h2g2!!!


Archangel Party starts here!

Post 134

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks, Peaceful!
Sorry I was asleep when you posted...smiley - smiley
ibchristine - I don't play canasta; but I do play *Fish*smiley - bigeyes

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 135

Titania (gone for lunch)

*popping in from w*rk*

Sorry for falling asleep earlier GB...smiley - smiley ...and congratulations again, I'm soooo happy for you!

*hurries to perform her first Herald-task*

*HUGS*smiley - smiley

I brought you this - it's called 'Skärgårdssnapsar' (snaps from the arhipelage)
*presents a package with 10 small bottles of Swedish Snaps, with various spicings*

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 136

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you Titania!smiley - smiley
Ooh! Schnaps!!!smiley - bigeyes
*starts passing round the little bottles*smiley - winkeye

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 137

Titania (gone for lunch)

*currently at w*rk = no messenger*

*pours herself a beer to go with the snaps*

Anyone else for a beer?

Cheers!smiley - smiley

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 138

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hmmmmmm I think I'll start dishing out the snacks now!
Who's for Chocolate Archangel Cake?smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 139

Titania (gone for lunch)

Mmmm... - yes please!smiley - smiley

yum yum

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 140

ibchristine......missing in action........

ooooh gee.........i gotta go to bed conscience(sp?) getting the best of me.......perhaps i could have just a lil slice for to keep and eat tomorrow?......

nighters u 2
smiley - smiley dont eat up all the cake...(pretend its night there too it will help in the over all effect of the moment)

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