This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

This morning I was gven my red heart and a new title.
I am honoured to be h2g2's latest Archangel.
Time to Party! People!!!! Yea!!!!
Drinks & food over there....smiley - bigeyes

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 2

David St. Hubbins - Keeper Of Quality Footware

Many congratulations on your new divinity!
What kind of food and drink do you have available? Something for brekkie I hope as I am famished.

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 3


WOW! That was a beautiful ceremony!
Congrats GB. *hugs*
I'm afraid I have to leave the party much too soon, but I surely can have a Y before leaving smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hands out champagne & orange juice breakfasts to Researcher 146378 and ottox*
There's bacon butties in my kitchen, I just prepared them for yousmiley - winkeye Help yourselves!smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 5

Hugo the Fish


smiley - fish
..OOo..Oooo.!!!..smiley - smiley
smiley - fish
..ooOo..OOO..oOo....OoOO..OOO..ooO...smiley - smiley

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 6


Oh my... That *is* certainly a big bottle you've brought Hugo!!! So pleased to meet you smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 7

Hugo the Fish

smiley - fish ..oooo..oO..oOoo..oOoo..OOO....OOO..O..O..OOO..OooO...smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish
..ooOo..OOO..OOO..Ooo....ooOo..OOO..oOo....O..oooo..o.. - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 8


That's very probable, Hugo, but I wouldn't shout it too loud smiley - winkeye.

Congrats GB smiley - smiley, I'll have a glass of that there bucks fizz if there's another one going.

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 9

Matthew Kershaw

* A swirling essence floats into the room and makes for the lovely food and assortment of wines, before realising its a fundamental waste of time... smiley - sadface *

* It then proceeds to make for its customary corner of the room, in the faint hope that someone will be attracted by the brooding stranger 'stance'... smiley - winkeye

* It says 'Congrats Galaxy Babe !!! Well deserved !!!', but it is drowned out by the sound of the stereo, and barring that, the sound of scuttling coackroaches... smiley - winkeye *

The Late M.KÝ

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*winks at the swirling smoke*
I'll see to you later!smiley - tongueout
*passes out more Buck's Fizz*
*hugs Hugo*
Thank you, that was a beautiful toast!

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks BluesSlider!
*refreshes glasses...there's bacon butties over there, that's if Researcher 146378 the Keeper of Quality Footwear hasn't eaten them all, if he has, I'll just rustle up some more!!smiley - tongueout
*large plate of bacon butties appears*
Hey I love these new Archangel powers!
*some brine shrimp appear for Hugo!*

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 12

Hugo the Fish

smiley - fish ..oO..oooo..oooo..oooo..!!!!!...smiley - tongueout
smiley - fish ..oO....Ooo..o..oOoo..oo..OoOo..oO..OoOo..OoOO....oo..Oo..Ooo..o..o..Ooo...smiley - tongueout

smiley - fish!!!...smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - tongueout
You're welcome, Hugo!!!
How about some daphne?smiley - winkeye

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 14

Hugo the Fish

smiley - fish ..smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout...smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 15

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - tongueout

Mucho congrats GB ( is that decourous enough now? )smiley - winkeye

mmmm bacon butties - wicked


Archangel Party starts here!

Post 16

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*pours Big Joe a Bucks Fizz*
Thanks, hon.
*kisses both cheeks*smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Wow...what a wonderful party!smiley - bigeyes
Just me & all you hunky males...{swoon}smiley - tongueout

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 18


Somone mentioned bacon butties?

Oh - congrats, GB - well done. Great party. Any pickled walnuts?

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 19

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Over there, Kes, with the buffet...
*helps herself to cheesy dip*

Archangel Party starts here!

Post 20

Freaky Cheeze

Cheeze arrives fashionably late and gives St.GB a huge pat on the back and gives her an elephant kiss smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
~helps her self to cheesey dip and crackers~
Congrats little chicken, and with your new title, run a riotsmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
go wild and use up your new found powers for good(only when you feel like itsmiley - winkeye

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