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What happened to the weekend

Post 41


Scientology? But it's nowhere near the BS box. smiley - whistle

What happened to the weekend

Post 42


I've got one link on from it, but don't know what's next. Trying not to resort to Google, but I may have to.

What happened to the weekend

Post 43


smiley - bigeyes No google? Wow!

What happened to the weekend

Post 44


It seemed like cheating, but then I'll never fill in the members of the Police without it.

What happened to the weekend

Post 45

Malabarista - now with added pony

Only way I could get any of the poker stars smiley - laugh

What happened to the weekend

Post 46


Yeah, I'll give that a go.

What happened to the weekend

Post 47


British bands was a killer to me.

What happened to the weekend

Post 48


I'm not doing that well on it. I mean, I know of hundreds of British bands, but most of them aren't in the puzzle.

What happened to the weekend

Post 49

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - whistle .. British bands .. well .. let's just see .. there's the obvious few.. the beatles (and Lennon), the rolling stones .. then for the tasteless there's spice girls, queen, dire straits, coldplay, radiohead, the police (and sting) and .. oasis?

any more?

What happened to the weekend

Post 50



What happened to the weekend

Post 51

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - rofl I don't like that one either

What happened to the weekend

Post 52

Malabarista - now with added pony

I also have Pink Floyd and Counting Crows (though they're not British)

What happened to the weekend

Post 53


It doesn't really say they're British.

What happened to the weekend

Post 54

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes pink floyd not British? did I completely misunderstand a lot of things?

What happened to the weekend

Post 55

Santragenius V

You get hen or egg or rooster on the farm one? I don't at all... Nothing at all in three letters there except for cow & pig which I have

What happened to the weekend

Post 56

Hapi - Hippo #5

ah smiley - biggrin counting crows are not British smiley - biggrin yes, correct smiley - biggrin

What happened to the weekend

Post 57

Santragenius V

smiley - bleep Now I do get them - I swear that I had entered chicken before without getting that response. Barn, too. But thanks to Ti's saved game, thet mysteriously appear. That's smiley - yikes...

*simmers down*

Poker stars will not likely happen on this computer - anything related to that if I search is banned by the w**k filters and I don't know any...

What happened to the weekend

Post 58

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - whistle wikipedia can sort out most ..

What happened to the weekend

Post 59

Santragenius V

Hasn't given me a poker star so far smiley - sadface

What happened to the weekend

Post 60

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes none? so .. no Chris Ferguson? Mike Matusow? Chris Moneymaker? Barry Greenstein? Doyle Brunson? Greg Raymer?? surely your wikipedia must hold those as well?

oh smiley - rofl and their nicknames!! note those as well!!

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