This is the Message Centre for Hati

What happened to the weekend

Post 21


Under 'farmer' is 'humans'.

What happened to the weekend

Post 22

Malabarista - now with added pony

Ah, thank you. I had tried "people", it didn't like that. smiley - laugh

What happened to the weekend

Post 23


'People' is one box below. smiley - winkeye

What happened to the weekend

Post 24

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, I've realised that by now.

What does it say about me that the next thing I guessed was "Playboy"? smiley - laugh

What happened to the weekend

Post 25


Are you sure you want to know it?

What happened to the weekend

Post 26

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - bigeyes

What happened to the weekend

Post 27


As with "magicians" I fear I'm in the wrong country to get some of these.

What happened to the weekend

Post 28


Ask, if you need some hints. smiley - winkeye

What happened to the weekend

Post 29

Santragenius V

Dear me, I'm too tired to do this kind of stuff now. But I have to ask - how many 2-letter English words are there smiley - huh

What happened to the weekend

Post 30


There are couple abbreviations, even single letters, but also two-letter-words like ox for example.

What happened to the weekend

Post 31

Titania (gone for lunch)

Anyone want to try merging two games?

Here's my saved game:

And curse you Hati for coming up with such an interesting site!smiley - tongueout

Here's a short time memory test smiley - devil

What happened to the weekend

Post 32

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm stuck at the farm.

I've managed to figure out that hen + rooster = egg ---> smiley - chick - but what do you get from a chicken that is only three letters long?smiley - huh

What happened to the weekend

Post 33


Kentucky Fried Chicken smiley - whistle

KFC, that is.

What happened to the weekend

Post 34

Malabarista - now with added pony

Oh, it's an American puzzle! That changes everything. smiley - laugh

What happened to the weekend

Post 35


Max memory 7. I never thought I'd get that far. smiley - biggrin

What happened to the weekend

Post 36

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks Hati!smiley - ok

What happened to the weekend

Post 37


KFC? Damnit. I've got the link from that but don't know what the next is.

I also have only four of the five religions. How obscure can the last one be?

It did let me off with a British spelling. However, I am trying to think of stuff I've heard in American things. Some have worked.

What happened to the weekend

Post 38

Malabarista - now with added pony

The missing religion is Scientology, but I don't know the links from that smiley - laugh

What happened to the weekend

Post 39


British spelling is accepted.

Do you miss scientology?

What happened to the weekend

Post 40


Google can help you out there, Mala.

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