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My interesting life and Bob

Post 521

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

glad to hear you survived. i did too. despite gout and a cold which i'm still fighting with smiley - stout and smiley - redwine and other sorts of medication smiley - piratesmiley - doctor

My interesting life and Bob

Post 522


I had a sporting day at w*rk yesterday. Good fun, good smiley - redwine too.

My interesting life and Bob

Post 523

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - zen .. I had a w*rking day ..

My interesting life and Bob

Post 524

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yeah, same here smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 525


smiley - yawn

My interesting life and Bob

Post 526

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

so we're all back to same old same old?

well, that's kind of comforting, init?

in it's own kind of boring way smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 527

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - smiley I'll be on another trip from tomorrow on smiley - biggrin

w*rk again .. it's not that I'm busy .. I just don't have a lot of time left

My interesting life and Bob

Post 528

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

happy landings. how many frequent flyer points have you collected over the years, i wonder? smiley - bigeyes

i was just telling mala that we might stage a meet in wupp since none of you guys may make it to london november 1st

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 529

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - smiley mm.. not so many points, really smiley - biggrin most are relatively short distances and I fly with different airlines smiley - whistle I do have a silver Aeroflot ff card however smiley - whistle

smiley - smiley Hootoo goes Wuppertal?

My interesting life and Bob

Post 530

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yeah, why not. allthough right now i would prefer crete or some other warm place. this cold is annoying me smiley - groan

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 531

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm yes.. forget about the global warming smiley - biggrin I'm heating the house

My interesting life and Bob

Post 532

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i've been doing that for days. no fun having a cold while the house is cold

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 533

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm mmm.. yes .. it's been a bit chilly lately

My interesting life and Bob

Post 534

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

but the sun is shining and there is hardly any wind so the weather is actually very nice, all things considered smiley - smiley

it's a smiley - bleep shame i have to stay indoors and try to get rid of this cold smiley - grr

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 535

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - erm it's cold and wet. and windy. Global warming doesn't really do anything for the temperature ..

My interesting life and Bob

Post 536


It's autumn. More firewood will be delivered today.

My interesting life and Bob

Post 537

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - sadface I'll be heating the house.

My interesting life and Bob

Post 538


Firewood has been delivered and stacked.

*falls over*

smiley - zzz

My interesting life and Bob

Post 539

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - redwine has been drunk

smiley - pirate

My interesting life and Bob

Post 540

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - smiley mm.. ok ..

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